Older blog entries for boto (starting at number 9)

Google Talk Now Federated!

Good news for jabbers users: Google announced today that open federation is now enabled on Google Talk. This means that now any jabber user can talk to a Google Talk user and vice-versa. I’ve been waiting this for months.

Syndicated 2006-01-18 14:02:59 from Eduardo Habkost / diary

Temporarily Closed

Today we (Kátia and me) start our vacations. We will be back on 6 January 2006.

Probably I won’t have access to e-mail, but I will try to check it during the trip. I hope I will have (cheap) GPRS available while on roaming, then I will be able to check my mail on mutt via ssh using PuTTY from my mobile phone.

See you in 2006.

Syndicated 2005-12-21 16:03:04 from Eduardo Habkost / diary


Look at this post.

On a previous story the guy told a story of someone accessing a URL that would hose a Windows machine, if accessed using Internet Explorer and Windows. They have clearly warned people about it:

“NEVER under any circumstance visit this url using Internet Explorer and Windows … you have been warned.”

But, wonder, there were lots of people that actually accessed it! Read the complete story and the comments he got, if you want some fun. Some examples:

11/25/05 “…and I hold you personally responsible for the damage you inflicted upon my computer. I am turning this over to my attorney in the morning. When he is done with you and your website, you will never hack another computer again…”
11/26/05 “…and how much did Linux pay you to infect our computers? I hope it was alot because when my lawyer is finished, you will be living in a cardboard box…”

Syndicated 2005-12-16 18:10:29 from Eduardo Habkost / diary

Python modules for Yahoo services

I’ve just published the current version of the Python modules for Yahoo services I was writing.

The initial purpose of the modules is implementing the protocol for PIM data synchronization service from Yahoo. But it may be extended in the future for other services, maybe for the interfaces provided through the Yahoo Developer Network.

Syndicated 2005-11-19 16:13:31 from Eduardo Habkost / diary

Small update: the URL for my homepage has changed: http://www.raisama.net

27 Apr 2003 (updated 2 May 2003 at 20:18 UTC) »

Wow, another post to this diary, in less than one month.
Actually, I am just testing the xmlrpc interface to see if it works, I am writing this post on the python CLI 8)

Time to a new yearly post to this diary. 8)
I came back to Conectiva 2 months ago, and I'm back doing interesting things. (-:

I was going to say that I think I will start posting more often here, now. But we know that it is not true. ;)

I guess I'll start to post something here more often, now.

This is the first day of the 3 weeks when I'll not go to the University. (-:

1 week out of Conectiva. :(

At least, now I have more time to the university, and for sleeping more than 4 hours each night. (-:
Maybe I'll have more time to post diary entries here, too. ;)

Wow, first diary post, a long time after the advogato account being created. Updated notes on advogato. I think I will start to post something to the diary, periodically. BTW, I need to put my homepage somewhere, again.

I've tested The Circle today. It is working very well, it would be great, if it gets popular, and a lot of people start to using it. And its apt cache sharing and apt method are very interesting. :)

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