Older blog entries for bkode (starting at number 43)

Updates on Identities on the web

Some thoughts on identities and their related data , online accounts and related news over the past few weeks.

  1. The Data Portability group amidst trying to get the big-wigs to come together and discuss how to share user data ,gets warned twice about infringement related cases in its own logo. But otherwise they've been pretty busy, with several announcements with the right intention, but left to too many influential market dynamics and vested invterests ( as illustrated in the points below)

  2. OpenID, seems to keep itself out of trouble, and with a bunch of active adopters and hackers working together - there seems to be hope after all . Still don't know how long before the authentication itself can be made a asynchronous call, rather than the multi-step process right now. A ycombinator startup called clickPass seems to have some traction in its favour.

  3. Google 's Orkut makes the news with the indian who was jailed for commenting on a particular politician ( im not touching this with a 10 foot pole! :D ) . Rumours from the local Pune papers, also suggest that girifthar'ed the wrong guy! ( that's right , newspapers in Pune report more rumours and Bollywood gossip that actual news)

  4. And as if offering for your product for FREE was'nt good enough, early adopters are ploughing away in a bid to yank their data out as well . Thoughts on who owns your data within the facebook network, have brought in highly-engrossing discussions as well. Its your id, your profile, your pics, on their servers , powered by their cash and their vc's credibility. If the beacon showed what 3rd party developers could do with your data, the latest trend in 'yanking the data out' could give as unpredictable and "no-one-strategy-suits-anyone" results. ( It might also be interesting to check out the school talk / DHH talk on how to make money online - charging your customers works! )

  5. What do you do when a startup's product becomes so popular that people get inspired enought to want to take their data elsewhere or distribute it as well! Thats been the case with Twitter and several comments on how to de-centralise twitter.

  6. FaceBook and Google not hitting it off with the launch of Google FriendConnect, with Scoble 's insights into how Microsoft wants to keep the web closed, and how FriendFeed is trying to filter signal from the noise. Most users are used to the noise btw( when was the last time you went to cnn or bbc VS a twitter or a valleywag) . Facebook also makes news in the #erlang channels btw, for probably becoming possibly the largest erlang powered chat app. Will be interesting to see what technique they're using in handling unicode - something that hover.in is working to integrate as well .

  7. Zoho announcing that you can now login to Zoho with your google or yahoo accounts. Very inspiring to see the pace at which Zoho takes ideas and implements them. Keep 'em coming!

  8. And amidst all this , a friend pointed out to me that someone was posting comments under the alias kode, without their full names , giving several blogs and people the impression that it was infact me who was commenting, etc. What happened to the days when stalkers believed in linkback :D . Either ways, I hope its nothing as serious and on the contrary, it does bring up several unique advantages that a sezwho, a disqus , friendfeed or an openid-enabled commenting system can provide.

    But it helps to remember that denial is'nt just a river in Africa .

    8 )

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

PS : Btw, if you're a fresher looking to join a startup in Pune , send in a mail to kode at hover dot in

Syndicated 2008-05-20 12:32:00 (Updated 2008-05-20 15:07:21) from Bosky

1 Apr 2008 (updated 2 Apr 2008 at 00:09 UTC) »

Developing developer platforms Part-1

It's no secret that I've always been an ardent admirer of companies that invest in impressive internal tools, developer resources, and internal things that make your developers go mmmh! Perhaps thats the secret to how they manage to release public api's and platforms for developers quickly in their product life cycle than companies with more mature products,but spend more time and effort trying to open up API's even for internal use in a plug-n-play, easy to lookup&hack fashion. Facebook & YUI will always be remembered for the part they've played in this very paradigm.

So, I thought it was time to kickstart my own soul searching, API intimidating, developer friendly environment right here at hover tech.. . What follows is a of the platform for the developers ( thats emp#1 srivatsan, and upcoming recruit thyaga- both theoretical CS & functional programming fanatics ) who one day will i hope influence the lives of several thousands of users, just as my own programming rockstar idols have done in the past.

Firstly, I jotted down a number of things that would seem fairly familiar in an environment where you track api changes, features, test them in real-time ,and discuss/update them. Things that came to mind in the first version of db_api were

  • api Id
  • developer
  • module name
  • path to source
  • path to RESTfull call (so that development is independent of server side language/es)
  • params, and type for the GET/POST
  • return type
  • description
An important element that allows to use this system outside the walls of your startup, is ofcourse the accessibility of the api information to either internal use or public api developers ,etc , which was added into db_api .
  • (.. added to db_api)
  • accessibility

I also thought a created_on, updated_on would help. To add more clarity regarding the params sent into the GET/POST call, i then normalized the prev fields into another table called db_api_params that would be of the form
  • id
  • api Id
  • param name
  • type
  • description (tried to be synonymous to the javaDoc/jsDoc syntax)
Now today i might be in a position to look into each of my developer 's api declared into the system, but felt a more transparent yet "scope for delegation" strategy was best implemented by introducing a reviewing sytem. Hence the db_api_reviewinfo
  • id
  • api Id
  • reviewed by
  • last reviewed on
  • comments
  • isFlagged
Notice the luxury of comments, and a warning signal to quickly be able to search flagged or high priority api calls . Come to think of it, it could even be a rating based priority ,instead of a boolean. Also there may be several comments to the same api, review and moreover i wanted to have a "comment stream" , possibly displayed on one of the 21" monitors i'm planning to have at a centrally accessible area in the office. ;) So synchronous threading model for comments seemed warranted enough to spawn a new table db_api_comments, and re-edit the last two fields into:
  • (...edited db_api_reviewinfo)
  • comment Thread id
  • flaggedRating
  • (db_api_comments)
  • api id
  • title
  • by
  • content
  • date
  • comment type ( so u can comment on a developer | api call | review | module )
Since i was allowing multiple reviewers for an api call, considering that we do want to hire experts to help in multiple api and platform initiatives, i decided to have a similar developer db, for information on possibly mutiple developers working on the same api, as well to see a nice report on which developers are working on what , and hence db_api_devinfo and db_api_developers
  • (db_api_devinfo)
  • id
  • api id
  • developer id
  • created on
  • flagged by developer
  • (db_developers)
  • id
  • name
  • email
  • hashed password
  • permission level ( for admin/developer/ manager / testing positions /etc)
Since a greater part of the developers out there appreciate the usage of modules to wrapper function calls (as against global PHP calls or on the contrary the depreciation of global calls in actionscript 3.0 !) , we are going to make a simple table for module information called db_api_modules so that we could list api calls per module, or even drill down to public/internal api calls within a module)
  • (db_api_modules)
  • id
  • name
  • description
  • created by
  • flagged priority
  • ( todoID perhaps implemented later ?...)
So there you have it, the meat of the monster in place, and once you hack up a login system in the server side language of your choice ( erlang & mnesia with traces of python and loads of javascript, in the case of hover.in ) - you should have the following very impressive reports at your disposal:
  1. List of Developers , filter by permission or name
    Maybe you could integrate your bugzilla/ wiki/forum or mashup ur own flavoured list of developers and their information.

  2. List of Reviewers , filter by name or flagged priority or module
    Nice for delegating and promoting a peer-review atmosphere at work where people are ranked not by experience , but by expertise on domain. Could even integrate HR data once u cross the 20-30 mark and gauge who to allocate where, etc

  3. List of Modules , filtered by perhaps date or your own custom fields like "show-stopper " status

    and of course the big momma...

  4. List of API Calls , filtered by
    by developer
    OR by flag priority
    OR by module (hack a drop down like facebook maybe )
    OR by accessibility ( useful to use same system to show for your platform developers as well as for internal developers) OR
    OR ask an intern to hack up a api search with autocomplete input like YUI.

It might not be perfect, but it's a start and a very satisfying night's work 8 ).

If you'd like to get the wicked details of we're going to implement or if you would like to implement it yourself along with the rest of us- Arun ,our CEO and an active blogger, Srivatsan and Thyaga (yup that's about it ) , let me know. Send a mail over to kode at hover dot in . We are just settling into the startup ecosystem in Pune, India and would like to hear from you as well as keep everyone in the loop of how it turns out in subsequent parts. And maybe will do a talk about the progress at the next barcamp pune as well .

Keep Clicking,

Bhasker V Kode
Founder & CTO - Hover Technologies ( prev. nick = Orange cube )

Technorati Tags: programming, api, facebook, yui, bosky, hover

Syndicated 2008-04-01 21:23:00 (Updated 2008-04-01 23:46:32) from Bosky

13 Mar 2008 (updated 2 Apr 2008 at 23:14 UTC) »

it doesnt matter what language you write in, if you can write the future

I often hear about an upcoming platform going to revolutionize the next decade. Now I have no qualms with this , and infact biased towards big-thinkers . But i just think that on the contrary this is an inherent potential that any platform / technology can claim. How big was it designed to be when it was visualized ? Were they thnking big enough when the users were thought of ? I think these are interesting questions. Because for all practical reasons ,it is you who writes the future. Literally in your code , in your packaging, and its scaling before it goes out there for better or for worse. Who would you blame for X's success or failure? seems reasonable enough to claim X to please stand up. But looking deeper I think it's only fair to say that you may have limited yourself to build something just big enough for a million people to notice that it's doing well. Might sound cruel? but thats the way the way consumer web products space works.

Vision of a startup
What would you think of a 3 month old startup for sale on ebay ? TechCrunch would put you in "the deadpool". The founders could call it an exit. But the obvious reason in the difference in reactions is that the founders may have wanted just to hack a product in a couple of months, when they started off and get bought over . On the other hand, i completely understand why the founders over at Yahoo! were still not satisfied with 65$bn dollars. I can see why Zoho had'nt diluted much when they had numerous bids,much to the misery of the biggest players and investors in the world. Because that's not the future they want to write, and it simply is'nt time yet, they are'nt there yet, ... and miles to go before they sleep.

Writing the future
If you think you can "write the future", please let me know . I think i can too and maybe we could start a forum for us ;) . Maybe we could go back and think of all the things we are'nt doing. Maybe we could think of all the things that show you that there are so many things that we still don't know. But at least we know what we don't know , as cliched or odd as it sounds. We know that we suck at some things. And these are the kind of things that are needed to get you doing the things you want to do .

I call it a "reverse engineering process". It's a fantastic feeling when you can identify what you want in life. "What you want" ,not the how or the if's. But the long-term dream. Although that question itself more often has more to do with what you don't want . That's what incidently provoked my entrepreneurial ventures . I wanted to be responsible for my own failure /success by taking things in my own hand. And fortunately or unfortunately - recognition can only come in two scenarios. I can't remember what the second one is , but the first one is - as Paul graham said once -is a startup . You don't need to be a chemist to realise that the implications of your actions is best seen in a isolated environment. So that definitely convinced me that joining a 100,000 services company would be conflicting to my interest (no offense they are amazing wealth & welfare creators ) . Agreed that youngsters and executives from today's indian middle class can afford to take the risk. But they don't. I have nothing against people who don't want to write their future. But ignorance is something that something i love to fix. And I have no problem admitting to it- because i think it's a human right violation to not find out how ignorant you are. And i love finding out how ignorant i am. Just love it! Because then it's upto you to decide what ignorance you want to rectify , before moving onto the next ignorance to rectify,...and so on! And the earlier you start , the better. They should have dropped you in a pool,the day you were born . Hows that for a claim to evolve for survival. ( jk! )

Will every moment in your life bring you in a position where you are an expert. Nope, so like i said, the sooner you start the better, and believe me - everyone in the industry is watched. And people only just want you to keep doing what you have been doing, but only with fancier names. Now depending on your appetite for risk , you could either take the road that puts you in the situation at par of your natural growth-path - in a rat race just without recognition. OR purposely take yourself through the road less traveled ,where the solution is not known, but what is eminent is that you will not know what to do, and you'll have to find out and get through it & bultly put - be a creator of something out of nothing. And my definition of getting through it is simple. I dont care if that dream is getting into being a Google or getting into the payroll of the indian post office's . can it be done ? if it can be - then great . Take solace in the fact and accept that there will situations of embarrassing ignorance, and a cost to innovation which you will learn the hard way. But if nobody has done it - then that's a couple of patents right there ! You might not be able to build a real estate search engine for the moon yet, but you could improvise on the fact that you've come up with it . Depending on how many years the concept is realistically away "crossing the chasm" - you could probably patent, or discuss with your peers. Get recognition,possibly mocked at, but keep doing it until you are recognized by your peers as someone willing to try everything atleast twice, and keep innovating within the community. And if you can't even get to your peers who are looking out the slightest glimpse of innovation & market erach - then how the hell do you plan on reaching your consumers half way across the world!?.

Which bring me to the what you want to do again . Do you want to build years of expertise in a technology before launching your own company in a totally different technology ? ( Remember everyone in the industry is being watched - whether you notice it or not and the people who invest in you or your company - predominantly want you to continue doing what you have been doing). Tricky, tricky,tricky....

Does the language/medium/timer matter ?
On the other hand a hacker or an artist would know that it really does'nt matter what technology/medium you're working on. I'd love to could pick up ice-sculpting as a career if i thought that's the future i wanted to see myself in . What would linus torvalds, be doing if he was a kid today or if windows was 'nt closed source, would he have still hacked linux ? or build a great product that revolutionizes the next 50 years ? would the hexa hackers of yesteryears be working on hacking pixels on 384's or would they be building a holographic 3d second life ? would paul graham have manifested his ideas of "move to the web" in the form of a haptic interface to yahoo stores / amazon / ebay if he was hacking today?

I think that great innovators can innovate independent of their times, and the languages they use ,and were'nt in any more a gifted environment in their days , as the one we are in today, or anytime in future. This btw, i reiterate is my view on all those flame wars and rants on programming languages . I think it could be best explained in this great little xkcd strip that shows how different editors and talk about how old school they are, from the more prominent ones ,to and end up saying how "real hackers" write in assembly language or else straight away magnetic tape or conjure voltage from the sky and binary. hilarious, and it's the first thought that comes to my mind when i see a language /flame war or rant.

Reverse Engineering the future
The fact of the matter is that we dont look to reverse engineer our future, and that my friend is the only way to write the future. How much are you going to keep studying before you think you 're ready to change the world ? I may not know the answer to that, but i'm happy to question the same. To question what the optimal qualifications, or the geography is to do what you want to do in life. In all the articles ive read on startup founders, and innovators - i'm surprised that i've never read of anyone mentioning "reverse engineering" your future. If you wanted to see yourself as the official advisor to the queen of england on quantum computing , or lead the indian ultimate frisbee team, or the ambassador to bermuda in secondlife or trade shoes with peter norvig.

An example of a "reverse engineering your Future" log
eg : Final Destination : ?
ideally , before I ...Final destination, ... i'd like to .... "leanr the intricacies of an IPO ", "learn to do a 'ballmer'"
ideally , before ...
ideally , before I ...0 , i'd like to "build an awesome product" and Y
ideally , before I ...Y , i'd like to "build a rockstar team" ...
ideally , before ...
ideally , before ...
Ideally , before i get/do N, i'd like to do get/do( N -1 )

Start off with a N = 5 goal , or a N = 2 goal . If i were to be scobleized next week , what would i have to liked to do this week, how many twitter message would i have to ping him with , etc ? If you wanted to get an grueling feature X done , what unknown thing would i have to read in the last 10 minutes before sleeping for the next month.

And since the final destination keeps escalating as you progress through the N things, based on your ability to execute what you want to do . The truth is that trying to start off with the Final Destination from day1 may not be quantifiable, but what is quantifiable is documenting if doing something is likely to get you closer to the eventual goal. Be it something trivial or absolutely drop-dead common sense. Thats the reason why It really struck me as to why people havent thought of how their personal identity on the internet would be jeopardized in step X of your reverse engineering lifecycle because of something that sounds silly today. That's also another reason why it's pretty darn easy for one risk taker- to find another hign-risk -high-gain motivated person. Perhaps thats how companies flock in the ecosystem themselves. Ofcourse, it all makes sense. How many people woudl want to let go of opportunities that they dont take today ,when they think about it 10 years down the line - you'd give anything to go back and do it right ? The thought of all the things i could do in that each day, in one week , or even one year keeps me up several nights. Honestly, i'm particularly happy with the way things have gone over the last 6 months with hover tech as well. It only has if anything only strengthened my conviction that you really can write the future if you want to.

The question for you/me really is and was always supposed to be , what kind of future do want to write...

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Blogged with Flock

Syndicated 2008-03-13 15:09:00 (Updated 2008-04-02 22:37:07) from Bosky

pipesCamp, unconference for yahoo! pipes enthusiasts [del.icio.us]

pipesCamp, is an unconference for yahoo! pipes enthusiasts, and will be held in Chennai, India for the first time on december 23, 2007 .

Syndicated 2007-12-19 03:08:07 from Bosky

16 Dec 2007 (updated 20 Dec 2007 at 16:06 UTC) »

First pipesCamp unconference

yahoo! pipes is one the most truly innovative applications that have provided a platform for application developers and end-users alike. And ever since their launch, several reviews later, it has grown well beyond being just a "An interactive feed aggregator and manipulator" . Be it a toolkit on Wall Street , a utility on a box or iphone hacks.

I'm one of the organizers of the first ever pipesCamp, which will be held in Chennai,India on December 23rd, 2007 . It 'll be interesting to bring the community together and just see can be hacked up, track work being done , and generally see how yahoo! pipes could churn out some amazing hacks and brilliant applications for bloggers, developers and end-users - at the same.

unconference for yahoo! pipes hackers and hobbyists. sessions, workshops and a "hackday" for showcasing pipes.

why not ! building a community around the yahoo! pipes enthusiasts, share ways to maximize the power of the utility itself, learn how your favourite pipes are built, show off neat tricks of your own , and spread some "pipes" love to the community.

December 23rd, 2007 ( Sunday)
10 am - 5 pm IST

Chennai , India
( Check wiki for venue details )

what next ?!
Check out pipesCamp right now,or on upcoming! Add a talk of your own , register by adding your name to the participants list, and get hacking !

hover.in , the product/company i've co-founded with Arun ( of trak.in fame ) , will be one of the sponsors of the event, and we're looking to meet the yahoo! pipes enthusiasts out there, and have loads of fun while at it. For more about the event as well as sponsorship info, buzz me at +91 988 4545 944 , or send a mail over to kode at hover dot in .

site : http://pipesCamp.pbwiki.com
upcoming : http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/388488
y! group : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/pipesCamp/
y! pipe : http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=e56c09bb5c8843ea700638e8ac1ee78d

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: unconference, pipesCamp, yahoo, pipes, chennai, event

Syndicated 2007-12-16 21:19:00 (Updated 2007-12-20 15:00:21) from Bosky

29 Oct 2007 (updated 13 Nov 2007 at 20:09 UTC) »

Squeak, Erlang and Startups @ chennai.rb meet

I was pleasantly surprised when the word 'erlang' sprung up in a discussion at ilugc threads courtesy one of Vamsee 's posts. I was naturally excited and looked forward to the talk scheduled at the local ruby user group chennai.rb on the same Saturday. Weekends usually begin at the beach at 5.30am to sweat it out in a awesome non-contact rugbie like sport called ultimate frisbee. Check out the yahoo group which has a 60 members and growing , and include most of the 20-30 odd people who turn up before sunrise on weekends despite the ballistic rains!

Speaking of rains, i guess the rubyists in chennai did think twice before venturing out yesterday . The venue was also changed last minute, but i had no problem of having a meet with just 5-6 people. And i'm glad i did go ! There was John - from Tachyon whose innovative work i've had real appreciation for earlier,(they've made quilpad and rediff even invested in them some time ago)

John's talk was interestingly on squeak -an avtar of smalltalk in which he demo'ed the tightly integrated concept of user and system generated object , scriptable etoys, several ways in which programming could be tackled by children in a more user-friendly and 'just works' manner . It's a real treat to have someone like him around who understands the intricacies of so many languages and core computer science concepts. I've attached the mind map exported jpegs (cmaps)of both talks ,and you access my cmaps of the talks here.

Vamsee's talk on erlang started with the history and introduction of the language , neatly swapping between code showing the assignment,basic operations and arithmetic, strings handling, tuples atoms and lists, and indeed was a nice opportunity to throw open the discussion comparing with the same in other languages.

Gapp , was there as well and he talked about his upcoming project that involves capturing one moment in the lives of chennai' ites, more specifically - November 3rd 2007 by aggregating pictures into a flickr pool with snapshots of wherever u are in chennai at that point of time . check out the details at the official 311pm website.

Overall, i think with the talks especially of the one on erlang, the stage is set to work on yaws , and take the startup to the next step indeed 8 ) Railsfactory and reviewsaurus apart from a 360 degree employee turned up. It was a little funny when they realised that i was aka Bosky since I've grown a real thick beard. I usually always introduce myself as Bhasker. Nice to know that ur known in some circles ! 8 ) .

After the talk, we talked about what all of us were upto. Very exhilarating to know that each and everyone who turned up were involved in either a 2-10 strong startup or some project creative project . Vamsee talking about the good,bad and the ugly facets of working on google knockoffs . Challening all the same ! I might even think of taking two seats in their office as well for working on my venture . Left around 7-8, Gapp tells me that they even continued with beer and more talk till 11. Shoot,missed out on that 8 ) !

Vamsee also suggested that i, or anyone for that matter have a shot at the next speaking session which would continue to be at his neat office of his company Viamentis. Clearly the ruby user group definitely stands out because we did'nt even have a formal session on ruby itself ,although we did compare other languages and compare notes with the nice projector (coutesy sayid of TKF) Perhaps i would have a go at the functional nature of javascript ,or perhaps hopefully even erlang. I'm sure PVS would have loved to be at the meet, especially since he's the one who encouraged me to venture into the abyss that is erlang by his experiments with ejabbered and take concurrent programming . Moreover, The apache Vs yaws debate seems one-sided enough to convince me to get my own testing environment setup on my lappy. As with most languages, the best way i feel to learn a language is indeed porting x from language A to language B. Looking forward to a little unlearning , more such meets ,more frisbee on weekends ,and a lot of addictive hacking ahead 8 )

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: chennairb, ruby, squeak, tachyon, vamsee, erlang, mindmap, gapp, bosky101

Syndicated 2007-10-29 02:48:00 (Updated 2007-11-13 19:54:31) from Bosky

"The AJAX Experience" sites are cool. But Why Is It In Flash?

"Hopefully someday - good friend of mine" Mike Arrington ; ) started this awesome series on techcrunch . I'm so glad this came up - i've been itching to tell it to as many people as possible ...

So My Contribution to the series...
The AJAX Experience Conference sites are cool. But Why Is It In Flash? : )

the only javascript/ajax on this site is probably to detect the flash version...shame! Know of any more unknown anomalies ,join in the fun by tagging your post butWhyIsItInFlash ! ; )

Note : I still have great respect for your work, Ben & Dion. 8 )

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: butWhyIsItInFlash, ajaxian, flash, techcrunch,mike Arrington, microsoft, google

Syndicated 2007-10-26 19:55:00 (Updated 2007-10-26 20:17:27) from Bosky

Shared OPML, and dektop rss reader productivity

Off late i've been adding a lot more blogs from media/ blogosphere (techcrunch 'ish blogs, company blogs , and so on ) apart from the developer blogs that i cherish the most . One of the categories that i have been having a close watch and building on are indian developers who are being there and doing that ; ) You'll most of the individuals mentioned in my post about indian hacker's in the opml file as well . Ofcourse, most of the list are people I would personally know or like to know but as a technology / web geek i think that sharing this list would really help introduce you to a lot of really good blogs.

I'm also surprised why there is'nt any viral site for sharing rss reader opml files ?!(or is it just my ignorance!). So i'm going to upload my opml files once a quarter so that it might be useful to other hackers, entrepreneurs and technology watchers like me .

And here's for an awesome tip . Sure it wont be easy reading up on 1000+ , i'd prefer to take my time and read most of them . (especially if u skip a day or two ! ) SO what i've done is what i think a more leisurely way to read my favourite blogs without the clutter and time constraints .

Here's what i did two days back :
I installed a desktop rss reader on my laptop. I imported my google reader opml . Once a day i go online and let it autoupdate . Finito ! now i can take my time, change the themes ,font's ,add rating ,see my reading statistics, custom tags, searches ,bookmarks, even blog from it, and more importantly - take my time to read all the 1000+ feed items ,as and when i want.

step 1: exported my google opml file.
im guessing that you are familiar with rss readers, and blogs and rss . If you use a bloglines or a google reader there should be a export subscription /export feeds / export as opml option somewhere. save the file on your system. Here are my google reader opml files.

step 2: downloaded a desktop rss reader
I expected a little more from google readers offline operation that used google gears. sadly though it just did'nt work . Moving on, i looked around for a couple of desktop rss readers. ended up on just installin one though called blogbridge . FYI : a nice link that higlights 9 reasons to use desktop readers, and here's another one that tells you how to make your own desktop rss reader. i then imported the opml file, and can choose as to when it should update (either on program startup or when i say to get updates )

i still like to still to maintain / add feeds ,etc to my online rss reader(google reader) since i can access them when im not on either my machine or the laptop. another hassle is that after reading posts from the desktop reader- they wont be 'marked as read' ,but i still think that the move has let me catch up with the 'posts that i always wanted to take time to read' and the 'blogs i never had time to read and so on' ,and all this offline . I think it's worth it thinking /trying it out.

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: opml, rss, , reader,, google, , desktop, , feeds,, bosky

Syndicated 2007-10-26 11:56:00 (Updated 2007-10-26 12:40:38) from Bosky

Thoughts on Returnable, and Contextual search and advertising platforms

I was pleasantly surprised with this post by Robert Scoble up on podtech...

The best part of being a startup is that you are forced to tackling specific problems.

It was a few months after i started the Returnable Project in March,2007 that i heard about the 11$mn odd funding that israeli startup kontera had received. Returnable , was pretty similiar - i said to myself but with a more developer and architectural perspective . It started off, and continues to be a small pet project i maintain with PVS - that deals with content delivery for end-user programmers ,but more catered to developers and the software engineering spectrum. It was to let ordinary end-users to concentrate on what to bring in in-text, instead of the how. Another entrepreneur buddy was also discussing ways to invoke returnable within their product. And so it is with a sense of pride and excitement that i assess that for a open source project I think it has served as a testing bed for things to come. I definitely am glad to see the buzz "contextual delivery" , apart from the the continued voids and irregularities that are still persistently haunting adopters of in-text content and ad delivery.

There are already a lot of players in the advertising space who offer in-text advertisements, and so on. There's Kontera, Miva , snapshot (that does a good job with the screenshots), addThis (fo social bookmarks) and so on. Can companies like Proximic or for that matter Kontera afford to give competitors another five years before building “contextual content delivery” and “in-text advertising” expertise ?

I honestly don’t think so 8 )

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: scobleizer, podtech, in-text, contextual, intext, content, delivery, bhaskervk

Syndicated 2007-10-01 21:30:41 from Bosky says : The web log of Bhasker V K

Thoughts on Returnable, and Contextual search and advertising platforms

I was pleasantly surprised with this post by Robert Scoble up on podtech...

The best part of being a startup is that you are forced to tackling specific problems.

It was a few months after i started the Returnable Project in March,2007 that i heard about the 11$mn odd funding that israeli startup kontera had received. Returnable , was pretty similiar - i said to myself but with a more developer and architectural perspective . It started off, and continues to be a small pet project i maintain with PVS - that deals with content delivery for end-user programmers ,but more catered to developers and the software engineering spectrum. It was to let ordinary end-users to concentrate on what to bring in in-text, instead of the how. Another entrepreneur buddy was also discussing ways to invoke returnable within their product. And so it is with a sense of pride and excitement that i assess that for a open source project I think it has served as a testing bed for things to come. I definitely am glad to see the buzz "contextual delivery" , apart from the the continued voids and irregularities that are still persistently haunting adopters of in-text content and ad delivery.

There are already a lot of players in the advertising space who offer in-text advertisements, and so on. There's Kontera, Miva , snapshot (that does a good job with the screenshots), addThis (fo social bookmarks) and so on. Can companies like Proximic or for that matter Kontera afford to give competitors another five years before building “contextual content delivery” and “in-text advertising” expertise ?

I honestly don’t think so 8 )

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: scobleizer, podtech, in-text, contextual, intext, content, delivery, bhaskervk

The Returnable Project - Whats your return type ?...Enabling in-text content into your blog

Syndicated 2007-10-01 21:06:00 (Updated 2007-10-01 21:30:41) from Bosky

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