Older blog entries for bkode (starting at number 26)

8 Jul 2007 (updated 21 Aug 2007 at 14:12 UTC) »

Indian Independent music is ALIVE and kicking !!

When i first saw sites like radioverve and gigpad for indian independent music spring up , I wondered who would be creating this kind of music from india . Well, today as a music lover and self-taught guitarist , i'm more than convinced at the amazing changes and advances happening in the indian independent music scene.

Take for instance - my good friend ,Prakash Hariharan has been playing the mandolin for 10 odd years. Sometime in college few years back, he got himself a new acoustic guitar ,and an electric one . And started playing amazing leads on both that led to him drifting towards fusion and little jazz. He and other friends from college like Raghu (Bass,vocals, composition) ,Karthik(vocals,guitar)& Deepak (drums) all from SVCE , have been making demos and jingles and performing at a semi-professional level for some time now .My gf was judged best singer at an inter-college event,and sings for the college band , and i know how she really enjoyed every practice session they had, and admits - its all hard work and patience. She should know - she's been learning classical indian music for the past 15 years ,Prakash for 10 odd years on the mandolin started off classical himself. Some like the pianist junior ,have even made it big in the band called Oxygen. Great to see them win gigs ,be it a fusion at iit,iim or the other events in south india. Hey ,incidently I had a great time myself playing the guitar for while in the western music band. I still do enjoy each minute i spend everyday with my custom made spanish guitar 8 )

Whats new though , is that unlike anyone else i know or anytime before ... Prakash has put away a nice job at a software company to pursue his dream . He joined a radio station to learn production , while spinning his own compositions in his home studio . recording and jamming with other buddies . He's been showing his demo's to people ,even to Guitar Prasanna and hopes to one day join the Berkely school of music . Really awesome to see people passionate and pursuing what they love 8 )

On the same lines, I was really stunned when i heard the awesome potential in indian inde music 8 ) ( songs from red cube, indus creed especially ) .Lot of indian independent music happening ....

Check out

  1. http://www.split-magazine.com/downloads
  2. http://split-magazine.com/radio
  3. radioverve
  4. gigPad
Prakash puts some of his music over at his blog and runs his own podcasts with his music , and I'll ask him to update news on his new band in bangalore .

Here's a demo of Red Cube's single called "some where in the corner".

Cheers to the music,guitars and the free world ! 8 )

Update : Also on similiar lines, is tempostand.com . And here's cheers to Oritus, for their awesome song and now my personal fav indian inde ballad - 'Many a Mile' - by Oriitus.
Keep Clicking,

Technorati Tags: indian, indie, music, pkharry, radioverve, redcube, split,tempostand, oritus,svce, gigpad,bosky101

The Returnable Project - Whats your return type ?...Enabling in-text content into your blog

Syndicated 2007-07-04 06:44:00 (Updated 2007-07-16 11:17:54) from Bosky says........the web log of Bhasker V K

8 Jul 2007 (updated 21 Aug 2007 at 14:12 UTC) »

Top 5 MUST READ Javascript Resources

Some MUST READ javascript links that I thought i'd share.

Excellent Code style tutorial , with easily undertandable code snippets ( Bad Vs Ok examples)
=>From Mozilla, http://wiki.mozilla.org/JavaScript:SpiderMonkey:Coding_Style

Best example of well documented code
=> The YUI Javascript library, start off with reading http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.js.html

Excellent Javascript beginner tutorials
=> from Javascript Guru- Douglas Crockford's stable
===> http://javascript.crockford.com/survey.html
===> http://javascript.crockford.com/code.html

Best ever Advanced javascript & Optimization tutorial
=> from Opera, and probably the most understated article on javascript to date. http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/efficient-javascript/?page=all

Excellent Advanced javascript tutorials
=> http://www.quirksmode.org/js/contents.html

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: javascript, js, programming, tutorials, bosky101, kode

The Returnable Project - Whats your return type ?...Enabling in-text content into your blog

Syndicated 2007-06-27 09:46:00 (Updated 2007-06-27 10:11:46) from Bosky says........the web log of Bhasker V K

8 Jul 2007 (updated 21 Aug 2007 at 14:12 UTC) »

Introducing toXmlString : Javascript XML DOM to String Conversion

I was surprised to find no function to convert a javascript xml dom object to a string. I did find an upcoming feature added in Javascript 1.6 by the cool folks at Mozilla, but it really did not cater to xml dom objects already created /accessable by javascript.

I've seen PHP's PEAR ,and XML_Parser classes and often like to take part of the xml to resend/reuse later in my application. So since I could'nt find one , I wrote one 8 ) !

toXmlString(xmlObj) : string

* @author Bhasker V Kode
* @name toXmlString
* @description Functional Style Method to Generate XML String from any xml DOMobject .
* @param s (String ) [optional for usage]
* @language Javascript
* @date 25th May ,2007

  1. function toXmlString(xy,s){
  2. var str = (s==undefined)?'' : s;
  3. if(xy.nodeValue==undefined){
  4. //ur a big moma
  5. var multiStr=[],temp='';
  6. for(var i=0;i
  7. // each repeasted node
  8. if(xy.childNodes[i].nodeName.toString().indexOf('#')
  9. var nodeNameStart ='
  10. var nodeNameEnd ='';
  11. var attsStr=' ',atts = xy.childNodes[i].attributes;
  12. if(atts!=undefined){
  13. for(var j=0;j
  14. attsStr+=atts[j].nodeName+'="'+ atts[j].firstChild.nodeValue+'"';
  15. }
  16. }
  17. temp = nodeNameStart + ((attsStr==' ')?'':attsStr ) +'>'+toXmlString(xy.childNodes[i],str) + nodeNameEnd;
  18. multiStr.push(temp);
  19. str = temp;
  20. }else{
  21. //node Value
  22. str = toXmlString(xy.childNodes[i],str);
  23. multiStr.push(str);
  24. }
  25. }
  26. //end of for loop,time to untangle our results in order of appearance
  27. str = multiStr.join('');
  28. }else{
  29. return xy.nodeValue;
  30. }
  31. return str;
  32. }


var str = toXmlString(xmlDomObj) ;

Demo - http://bhaskervk.com/libraries/reusable/demos/xml.php



Let us assume that you dynamically add an event to an object . Now with Reusable.DeferredEvent , it throws a similiar api , gives you an option to specify your existing addEvent code -.Popular version of which are :
So basically what i have is a plug'n play support for handling idempotent events , using your existing javascript toolkits corresponding dynamic event handling capabilities . In the demo page , I have shown how to integrate with these frameworks by uncommenting the suitable line of code as needed.

Which means for configure listenEvent event for every listenTill seconds , for any listenObj object .

In the demos , you will find two scenarios :
  • Only unique button click's on Button1 in the range of 1 seconds will be recognised !
  • Only unique mouseouts on Button2 in the range of 3 second will be be recognised.

//@param name of instance
//instantName = new Reusable.IdempotentEvent(instantName);
// Step 1 : Instantiation
responsive = new Reusable.IdempotentEvent('responsive');

//@param listenObj - DOM listenTillelement or element id
//@param listenEvent string - Event name (as per your toolkit nomenclature )
//@param listenTill int / string - how frequency to accept event triggers
//@param callBack string - What function to callback eventually

// Step 2 : Exeuction
//responsive.register( listenObj , listenEvent , listenTill , callBack );
responsive.register( btn1, 'click' , btn1.getAttribute('onclickwhen'), 'clicked' );
responsive.register( btn1, 'mouseout' , 1000, 'hovered' );

Demo and Code here .

Technorati Tags: javascript, events, idempotent, code, bhasker, kode, bosky101,

The Returnable Project - Whats your return type ?...Enabling in-text content into your blog

Syndicated 2007-02-15 03:55:00 (Updated 2007-02-21 08:10:01) from Bosky says........the web log of Bhasker V K

8 Jul 2007 (updated 21 Aug 2007 at 14:12 UTC) »

A Profile of TechEnclave

So, I've also always wondered if the portal a handful of '20-something year old' geeks and myself have built over the years totally in our spare time - would figure as being part of the Indian web innovation revolution .

It's called TechEnclave , famed for its forums ... ( http://www.techenclave.com/forums ) Being a moderator for the forum , we're all excited that the member base that Team TechEnclave have been really building the community from 2002-03 onwards with experience gained from a temporary hosted forums ,to other experiements through '04, - 05 and finally fixed on the TechEnclave brand ,and have stuck to it ever since the end of 2005 .

The reason why i 'm talking about it now - is also to highlight the transition we've seen with the web 2.0 revolution hitting the indian plains . Sure , we did implement ajax based forum search options before it became cool , and we do have some forum regulars like a calendar that the 10k displaying birthdays ,user meets ,and so on . We've even had our TE user meets where we get to interact with the members dating to early 2005 . And with over 25- 30 of them across the country over the years - its not really tough to see why the unconferencing theme dint take too long to pick up in India. Today TechEnclave has over 25 forum sections covering hardware overclocking to gaming , portable devices and Tech News from across the world .If TechEnclave as become what it is today , it has been off the strength ,quality and relevence of its Forums - be it for the tech noobie , geek gurus or the persistent troubleshooter .

Some other statistics TechEnclave as of Nov 3 , 2006
Members: 13,500 +
Threads: 27,229
Posts: 292,544,
Most users ever online was 1,363, 28 Nov 05 2005 at 01:18 PM.

So ...coming back to how TechEnclave fits in as a interesting collage of user-feedback inspired product innovation built inhouse...

1 ) TE Spy
an inhouse clone of digg spy ,developed in ajaxian ishtyle , and shows in real time when new posts made at techenclave ... currently for premium members only . But the amount of content we throughout the day ensure that the TE spy functions like a charm . If you are registering at TechEnclave , we'll be happy to upgrade you to a premium membership .Just let me know your user id ,and then you can check out TE Spy for yourself .

2 ) TechEnclave Addons & Initiatives
The TechEnclave ToolBar , A nifty little addon for Firefox helps our users search and naviagate across the site better . We also have an exclusive download manager apart from the recently added hardware benchmarking software located at http://www.techenclave.com/forums/superprime/ as well as numerous other nifty utilities like bookmarklets , feed aggregator widgets ,newletters , rss feeds , and so on .

3 ) TE Rig Gallery
TERig was an idea that we at techenclave had for a long time. We wanted to give , the tech enthusiast a medium to showcase your rig to the world. From our feedback on the forums ,we understood that the true potential of your rig can only be shown when your rig details are presented in a well formatted manner and with the all important pictures of your rig. So our admins Safin and QuickFire , went about hacking just that . Not only will you be able to put your rig specs in a well formatted manner, but also will be able to view where your rig stands vis-a-vis other's. Till date ,we are the first forum to have such a versatile system ...check it out at http://www.techenclave.com/forums/RigGallery.html
transcending the role of a forum .

4 ) TE iTrader ( Market )
A custom built environment that provides a better showcase of the product that users put up for sale .

5 ) TE Price Guide
Based on feedback over the years ,we even felt the need for a comprehensive and updated price guide for hardware ,whatever be the city you are in india. So welcome another custom built app . the TE Price Guide located at http://www.techenclave.com/forums/hardware-prices.html which has now attained a sort of lengendary status of sorts over at the "Build Your Own Rig" followers in India . We even have a seperate Market Section where users can swap their new and old stuff .This initiative has gathered a lot of traction for genuine buyers and sellers especially ,for reaching users in the the non metros .

The TE Family
Apart from helping troubleshooting across 20 odd forum sections ,being part of the Techenclave , has helped bridge distance for the indian techie and transcend geekdom !
TechEnclave 's depth of quality in its reviews and experienced members helped it become a source to present demos at hardware branding and launch expos . Infact ,name any piece of hardware or software ,and you can be sure that theres someone from techenclave whos' got it first or swears by their favourite utility . Also of note is the sister forum that we've created called FunEnclave over at www.funenclave.com

The people behind TechEnclave ( http://www.techenclave.com/forums/staff.html ) are dedicated enthusiasts who came together because of their expertise and being identified as uber geeks and experts by their peers ,combined with a blend of effective management , marketing and creative abilities - to make things happen . We take pride in building one of India's Biggest Technology Forums from scratch without any commercial backing or investment by putting back all ad generate revenue back into getting better servers , bandwidth and so on .( You can see a brief history and evolution of techenclave over at http://www.techenclave.com/forums/techenclave-history-and-evolution-720.html ) And we hope to keep the quality and members right up there ,to take TechEnclave to greater heights ! 8 )

If TechEnclave does not fit into the realm of indian innovations - we will understand . But If you think that this community has evolved ,then do let us know ,and drop in at the forums and find out for yourself . See you there...

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode ,

PS : If you do want to explore advertising options ,feel free to go through the page at http://www.techenclave.com/forums/advertisewithus.html .

This is a post meant to act as Profile of TechEnclave . So while it very well would be in the public domain,i'd appreciate the linkback .

Technorati Tags: techenclave, bosky101, india, tech, geeks, forums, portal

The Returnable Project - Whats your return type ?...Enabling in-text content into your blog

Syndicated 2007-01-29 05:30:00 (Updated 2007-02-02 04:39:58) from Bosky says........the web log of Bhasker V K

8 Jul 2007 (updated 21 Aug 2007 at 14:12 UTC) »

Good to be back in Chennai

Me in chennai for a few days...after a long break ,and the weekends been gr8 so far.

Attended the alumni meet and committed to helping out in the alumni site setting up as well .those guys are really stepping on the networking ,and the urgency is more so to gear up fto celebrate SVCE's 25th year of graduation to be in 2010 .

Showed off my new black dual-core 120 gb sata with dvd writer hp laptop to everyone at home here . its damn mobile and very sleek . am absolutely in love with it,and still think it was a better option that going for a mac ! (incidenly we just got another acbook ,bring the total to two now in our -10 odd strong develoepr & testing army at tutorvista's only office ( stpi ,electronic city,bangalore )

good news continues with my bro getting into Georgia tech, TAMU ,and Duke for his industrial engineering as well . Hes still waiting for stanford ,yale and darthmouth . All the best Bhargav !

Wrote a nice piece that i think a lot of my juniors at SVCE could use , and i think spend some time thinking about ,especially if your in a CS / IT department and contemplating a career in web based development.

Speaking of TE, the member base at TechEnclave has passed 13,500 geeks and looking good , We just completed a deal with Reliance Webworld for a banner display,and completed a small announcement deal with Rashmi Bansal - Editor, Jammag as well .

on the work front ,tutorvista just celebrated its first year anniversay at HINT, in bangalore central .a disc /pub that we booked all for ourselves and EVERYthing on the house !!! : ) . that was a freaking awesome party ! Getting into some new projects in office as well with the newsletter, feed syndication,apart from the now deployed googlish Calendar utility released live to our 2500+ paid customers. We're expanding on the hiring front as well - tutors,operations , developers ... conducted my first phone interview myself ;) ,plus its exciting that after our secodn round of funding of 10mln ,we're now going from the incubated unit at stpi to a full fledged 33 story byulding of our in the heart of Bangalore's corporate zone off the airport road.

went for a nice long move - salame ishq ,entertaining , india Vs west indies cricket match happening live here in chennai . and so is the cult fest saarang here at iit-madras campus.met up with my old buddies from school , called a few more . had a nice day out with my family and nrought my gf to my house for the first time to my mom and grand mom. spoke to my dad who's sailing after a long time . Madhu will continue to be in Biocon,bangalore till she leaves for her MS. And i think its time i thought about my plans for the near and distant future as well -education wise, health wise , personal life, wise in all respects ... Salsa classes have been doing me good as well....

Cheers to a rocking start to 2007 ....life is beautiful .... 8 )

Keep Clicking,
Bhasker V Kode

Technorati Tags: india, chennai, bangalore, tutorvista, techenclave, bhasker, kode, bosky101, svce, life

The Returnable Project - Whats your return type ?...Enabling in-text content into your blog

Syndicated 2007-01-27 17:59:00 (Updated 2007-01-27 18:00:22) from Bosky says........the web log of Bhasker V K

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