Older blog entries for bbrox (starting at number 11)

Back from Bayern... What a lousy weather :-/ But apart from that, München is a really nice place (with great bars and restaurants and even greater beers :-) ).

On the Wine front, sent my D3D patch that makes TR2 work again. Have still some work to do on one part of the patch (the one about double buffered windows).

Just came back from a rollerblading tour of my city (Toulouse, France)... Very cool :-)

On another topic, just learned yesterday that I will spend next week doing tests in München for my day work... Will have to take my German out of some deep dusty recess of my brain :-)

Nothing much done on Wine lately. And with the time I will spend on configuring my firewall / webserver, nothing will be done this WE I fear.

Well, I am still alive... Was rather busy lately ; a 4 day week-end on the Riviera (hmmm, I gotta love beaches and the sun), a wedding ..., so not much hacking to report. Still have to submit the Direct3D patch to WineDevel.

On a more personnal side, just finished 'Inversions' by Ian M. Banks. It's a really great Fantasy book for those who like low-key and character driver books. And it makes one think :-))

On the musical side, discovered 'Eels' (very good).

Finally, got ADSL installed.... And it flies ! You gotta love unmetered and fast net access !

I have reached the goal for my week-end : got Tomb Raider 2 working again in Direct3D mode on Wine. There are still some glitches remaining (as some X errors sometimes), but it definitely works. I managed to get a proof : check out this picture :-)

Now, the only work that remains is to get the patch up to shape for inclusion in the Wine tree (for the moment, it's rather ugly).

Hmmmm, it's been a long time since I last updated this log. For those that were afraid I got lost in the mountains, I made it back from my hike in one piece :-) (it was really great btw).

On the hacking front, as the weather was totally awful this week-end (it even snowed where we were hiking last week), I rewrote the OpenGL thunk generator in Wine.

Now, going to debug the crash in Baldur's Gate.

As said in my previous mail, I did not do much during this WE : finished Demon by John Varley and made the mistake to start reading Sailing to Sarantium by Guy Gavriel Kay at 11:30 pm (I was still reading a 3 am, let me tell you that I was not very fresh at work the following day).

On the Wine front, my last OpenGL patch (not comitted to the CVS tree yet) makes PSEmuPRO work with Wine (see the screenshot at this URL. I also fixed a small bug in DirectDraw that showed itself because of my 'double-buffered' desktop hack.

Spent also some time debugging a crash in NVIDIA's OpenGL drivers... Finally managed to get a small program that showed the bug and sent it to some NVIDIA's engineers.

Getting ready for a computer-less four day hike in the Pyrénées mountains (I do not know what will be the hardest : the lack of computer or the hiking :-) ).

Did some improvements to Wine's OpenGL WGL emulation layer to get some applications running (for example, GLUT applications used wglGetCurrentDC that could not be implemented before my changes). With this, I could also implement wglShareLists for well behaved applications (i.e. that call wglShareLists before making the context current).

Anyway, now that Wine / OpenGL is up to shape, I am toying about either working on an OpenGL application (I would like to use by TNT2, now that it works well :-) ), re-start working on Wine / Direct3D or doing nothing... Knowing me, I will do the latter :-)

Hmmm, sometimes I wonder how some applications are working in Windows... Spent one hour yesterday to 'fix' Wine to prevent it from crashing when leaving Half Life : this lousy game freed THREE times its rendering context.

This evening, fixed a small bug that made Baldur's Gate flicker as hell in X11 mode. Now, back to some serious DGA 2 hacking :-)

Spent some time testing Patrik's patches to try to optimize the calling of OpenGL functions but to no avail (it's still crashing for me and not for him). I really should learn about x86 ASM, PIC and all these stuff....

On another hand, found out that wglUseFontBitmaps has an equivalent in GLX : glXUseXFonts. So implemented it without having to use the un-implemented function from GDI. Also added an implementation of wglDeleteContext.

Now, the only call remaining to be implemented to get Q3 Radiant to start is wglShareLists but this will prove more difficult to do.

Anyway, will spend the afternoon playing roller-hockey, so do not expect an update to this diary entry today :-)

Started implementing the wglUseFontBitmaps to get Q3 Radiant running with my OpenGL patch for Wine. The problem is that I would need a function in GDI that is a stub for the moment.

On another front, started to discuss with other Wine developers on how to optimize further the calling of OpenGL functions (with NVIDIA's OpenGL drivers, we are 25 % slower than in Windows).

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