Older blog entries for badvogato (starting at number 458)

24 Sep 2012 (updated 25 Sep 2012 at 19:37 UTC) »


recentlog.html got stuck by the above google map image...



8 Sep 2012 (updated 8 Sep 2012 at 01:21 UTC) »

thanks for posting Kipling's lullaby

"In the spring of 1877, Alice returned from India and removed the children from Lorne Lodge. Kipling remembers, "Often and often afterwards, the beloved Aunt would ask me why I had never told any one how I was being treated. Children tell little more than animals, for what comes to them they accept as eternally established. Also, badly-treated children have a clear notion of what they are likely to get if they betray the secrets of a prison-house before they are clear of it".

God bless the child, not to become Lord of the Flies

24 Aug 2012 (updated 6 Sep 2012 at 05:07 UTC) »

" Chongqing cat on a hot tin roof - the ugly face of communist party loyalty " will be my next script-writing assignment. Yes, Mrs. Kennedy of China was on trial and is now convicted of intentional homicide of an innocent Briton, Neil Heywood, old Harrovian boy, mentoring new generation of Chinese prince. Can all unintentional criminality of no-more-future-ruler, a Chinese copy of progressive 'Kennedy' ( Bo Xilai), both father of somewhat young and idealistic, Harrovian/Harvard educated son ( Bo Guagua ) and son of old elite guard of CCP be redeemed by her instinctual faith in the bloodline and family tradition and her intentional murderous rage against the 'other' foreign/alien party ?


19 Aug 2012 (updated 19 Aug 2012 at 16:44 UTC) »

hi mau, what brought you back ?
and why do you have to erase entry as back as 2004?
17 Nov 2004 (updated 11 Aug 2012 at 17:22 UTC) »

An old acquintance of mine seen from other people's eyes. - 薛蛮子 一个嬉笑怒骂的好玩老头. comparative reading of "The Paradox of VC seed investing" by Brian Singerman from TechCrunch

How come it wasn't called a gay particle?
Instead of blocking straight passers-by mass and ask them 'do you have a moment to support gay rights', OBGYN advocates should put out a big sign, converting this god particle to gay particle. It makes perfect sense, isn't it?

A gay particle walks into the church,
The priest says 'I'm sorry but we don't recognize your existence'.
The gay spirit replies 'Well, you can't have mass without me.'

5 Jul 2012 (updated 6 Jul 2012 at 03:22 UTC) »





3 Jul 2012 (updated 3 Jul 2012 at 13:11 UTC) »

I'm translating 'Occidental Eschatology' (English translation done by David Ratmoko) into Chinese. Can't believe a 23-year-old wrote the book in 1947 in Zurich. I wonder how Jacob Taube had his 'irreparable' break with Gershom Scholem. What was that about? which reminds me to read Gershom Scholem's 'major trends in Jewish Mysticism' (1941).

If Western History is tragedy of Freedom as stated by young Jacob Taube, my impression is that civilization of the East is the tragedy of Family/Tribal conformism.

Taube stated 'The question is How does finite freedom, which is an element of time, relate to absolute freedom, an element of eternity? This relationship can be determined in theistic-transcendental, pantheistic-immanent, and atheistic-materialistic terms.' For my Gnostic inclination, how to determine/comprehend the essence of history through 'Latin, Greek, classic Chinese' terms or 'Arab, Hindi and Hebrew' terms?

29 Jun 2012 (updated 29 Jun 2012 at 17:01 UTC) »



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