apeiro is currently certified at Journeyer level.

Name: Judd Vinet
Member since: 2002-03-11 21:19:22
Last Login: N/A

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Homepage: http://www.zeroflux.org/~jvinet/


I've been hacking on computers since my father brought one home in 1992. I've played on dos, win32, linux, freebsd, qnx, and a bit on solaris and aix. I found linux in 1998 and never looked back.

I'm currently a coder at a small internet startup where they let me show up and leave whenever I please, which suits my lifestyle. I'm also a CSc student at the University of Victoria in Canada.

Most of my spare time (the little there is) is spent on my latest project, Arch Linux, an i686-optimized linux distro.


Recent blog entries by apeiro

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Well, it's September. A month I've never been able to enjoy much, as life usually gets crazy busy this time of year. Thankfully this should be my last year of university.

Arch Linux
I released Pacman 2.6 a couple days ago, which supports some cool stuff like virtual provisions and package replacements. Pacman is well over a year old now, and I'm feeling confident that the source code has been seen by enough eyes that we'll be able to call it a mature piece of software some day.

It's a little exciting to see the power of open source at work. I love coming to my inbox, only to find 3 patches waiting for me from prolific souls around the internet. I've been in the industry for years now, but it's still remarkable to see so many people devote their time and expertise for no monetary gain.

Something to be said for that....

We've got the new website live at archlinux.org now, and it looks a lot better than the old one. Clean but functional and informative.

The release process for 0.5 (Nova) has started. Should be out in a few weeks.

That is all.

Wow, busy busy busy lately. Arch Linux is growing at manageable pace and I'm happy to report that we'll be moving all desktop computers over to linux at my place of work. I'm quite excited about this -- we'll be looking into a thin-client setup first, though we'll have to buy some pretty hefty application servers if we go that route.

I'll let you know how it turns out.


I released Arch Linux 0.4 today. Just in time for me to vanish from the net for a week or so to visit my family for the holidays. :)


We're hiring 4 new people immediately, then another 2 or 3 more in a couple months as our new division starts growing. Today is full of meetings and interviews, with a break midday to go check out the new LOTR movie. My company rocks.


Don't even ask -- oh, how I loathe it. The two hardest exams are tomorrow and Friday. Then I get two weeks respite and and it all begins again. *sigh* I just want to be coding.

Yes, I'm still alive, but barely.

I got a 0.4beta iso out today, so we should have 0.4 released in a week or two, just in time for me to finish my finals and head home for Christmas.

I saw a little review of Arch Linux on OSNews today.

14 older entries...


apeiro certified others as follows:

  • apeiro certified apeiro as Apprentice
  • apeiro certified leviramsey as Apprentice
  • apeiro certified ebizo as Apprentice
  • apeiro certified Stevey as Journeyer
  • apeiro certified raph as Master
  • apeiro certified hub as Journeyer
  • apeiro certified rasmus as Master

Others have certified apeiro as follows:

  • leviramsey certified apeiro as Journeyer
  • apeiro certified apeiro as Apprentice
  • Stevey certified apeiro as Journeyer
  • Barbicane certified apeiro as Journeyer
  • elanthis certified apeiro as Master
  • ara0b36 certified apeiro as Journeyer
  • rufius certified apeiro as Master

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