1 May 2004 abg   » (Journeyer)

Bug Tracking

So, there came a need for a bit of bug-tracking to be done at work. I wanted small and easy - I found 'What Bugs?', which worked well, but still had a number of bugs itself. I contacted the author, who told me that he wasn't maintaining it anymore. He pointed to someone else who had contacted him about it. Ex-maintainer had sent Other Guy an unreleased tarball of what would have been 0.5. After talking with Other Guy and getting 0.5 (lots of unfinished changes - didn't work), we decided to pick up with 0.3 and add features to that. We're this close to being able to ship 0.4, but you can play with it now, if you want (user/pass advogato/advogato if you want to log in). It's got some nice features with just a few more on the way. KISS is the guiding principle for this one - there are some big fish out there that there's no need to replicate. The 0.4_pre1 was 21k, compressed. ;^)


Good. Thinking about buying my first computer in nearly five years. It just might be a dual G5.

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