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5 Dec 2001 (updated 5 Dec 2001 at 23:22 UTC) »

I'm back! Finally remembered my password after about a year and a half. I think I still remember it, I was just typing variations of what I though it might be.

Well a year and a half is a long time. Briefly, Stormix has fallen off the map, I wrote a online dating service in python (http://www.venusmeetsmars.com) and I am now working for ServGate.

I'm just excited I found the password to this account, and hope to make more additions to my diary from now on.

aaahhhh... brain cells swapping... need more ram!!!
Doviende showed me to a place called the Sugar Refinery on saturday. Good stuff. Had the Colourifics (Yes a canadian band, I think. Assuming they put the 'u' in their name...) playing. Also had great beer! Mainly because it was made by the Storm Brewery!!!
Well it seems that the great Perl Journey with Larry Wall and friends left the vancouver harbour today. You could tell they were in town. We actually saw chalk markings on the sidewalks that said stuff such as "rm -rf python"... If your curious, they left on a cruise ship from this port. Unfortunately we saw them leave since the view you see here, is only a few floors up from our office. :-/ Lucky bastards!
Adding lots of miscellaneous methods for many widgets. Stuff like get info from this widget. Also started to add line wrapping for labels today. Its coming along alright, just a little bit more todo. CTK is almost working with SAT now, I hope to have it working by the end of Friday.
Not much else happening except work at the moment. I hope really soon I can post more here than just CTK news. (c:
Well, back from Japan, it was alot of fun. I really want to go back there again. I picked up quite a few Japanese phrases and vocab. I had just started to learn Japanese, but I have learned more in the 4 days that I was there, than in the last couple of weeks before, in which I have been studing this "learning japanese" course I had bought at the local book store.

Its good to back though, there is alot of work to be done back at the office.

Jet Lag
I slept in today, got up around 3pm. Not too unsual, except that I went to bed around 11:30pm. Got 15.5 hours of sleep. My body is still on Japan time. So gonna stay up tonight all night and go to bed early tomorrow to try and fix it.
Adding a bunch of stuff to CTK, mostly methods, but also fixed a couple of bugs. So far I have added, borders to container widgets, made scrollbars disappear when they are not needed, fixed a couple clist bugs, added widget->sensitive, and added the methods ctk_editable_get_chars, ctk_entry_get_text, ctk_entry_set_max_length, ctk_clist_prepend, ctk_clist_insert, ctk_clist_select_row, ctk_clist_unselect_row, ctk_clist_remove, ctk_scale_set_digits, ctk_scale_set_draw_value... so far. :)
Day 2 of the show is here... Quite a few Debian-jp guys are hanging out at the booth talking to our Japanese team. They really liked CTK! :) Seems a little more busy today, and it seems they found the air conditioning switch. Yesterday was extremely hot. Feels much better today.

Last night we went to the main land, into downtown Tokyo. We walked around Shinbashi. Makes Times Square feel small. Tokyo is HUGE! Definetly felt the Blade Runner feel there. They had main streets but most of the stuff was happening in the ally's. Lots of people!

Tonight is our last night so we should be having a good time. For now, back to manning the booth. :)

So far the show is going good. Met a few of the Debian-jp developers, a bunch of nice people! :) It is extremely hot on the floor, it is quite muggy in Tokyo... There are quite a few people walking around, seems to be alot of business people and students mostly.

Doviende is coding like crazy trying to get stuff done that people back at home are waiting for. Unfortunatly we don't have a camera up for a view.

Tokyo is quite cool though, last night we went for a more traditional meal, sat on the floor, that kind of thing. Ate alot of different types of dishes. We are on this man made island just off the main land, so we got a very cool view of downtown. On Saturday we will be downtown to see electric city. This place has many more gadgets attached to everything. The toilet is electric with about 4 buttons that I can use to, er, adjust spraying devices. :-/

But there is a cool Blade Runner type feel to the city which is quite fun!

Well, I'm in Japan now, on the floor of the Tokyo Linux World Expo. Its kinda small, about half the size of the New York show, but still alot of big players. Of course Turbo is a big sponsor, redhat is here, compaq, fujitsu, NEC, VA, and quite a few others.

We are just getting our booth setup, and have networking setup now. Everything is looking good so far...

I will update more when stuff starts happening. :)

I got about 2 hours of programming done on the plane, as much as my battery would allow. Added clear, freeze, thaw, get_text, and set_text to the clist widget. Also got modal setting done for windows.

WIll charge it back up and do some more coding over the next couple days.

On The Road Again...
Well, I'm off to Tokyo tomorrow for the Linux World Expo in Japan. I'll keep diary posts here to update what is happening. Should be a good trip. I havn't been there before so it should be alot of fun. Only going until Saturday, so the jet lag will be nasty.
Havn't had time to do much with it, I have been making sure everything will be taken care of at the office while away in Japan. Will be coding on the plane. :)
I have found playing with liveice and icecast is alot of fun. Mixing music is truly an art form! :) And being on DSL, I can actually have listners.

Also found that my Secure Locate (slocate) utility was in the Open Source Metrics article. Contributing something useful is quite rewarding. :)

Its Here!
Crunch time... Its that time again. Hopefully we will have some good crunch time stories to tell. Many will be spending their lives at the office for the next few weeks.
Now in the midst of adding more features and fixing bugs in CTK. Just added alignment options (CtkMisc) for labels. Fixed a couple bugs with vbox and hboxes, frames, and scales. Still lots of work todo...

Other than that, not much else to report... :-/

Things are coming along. All of the widgets are pretty much done (at least the ones to be used in Storm v2.) So just cleaning it up a bit and adding methods for each widget that are still missing.

Today I made it possible to put notebook tabs on the left of the page instead of just the top. Right and bottom positioning still has to be done. This also let me find a resize bug with the notebooks, which was the cause of an infinite loop which occured when shrinking the window down too small.

Also made combo boxes scrollable which works quite well.

Not much else happening... Going to be a busy weekend being the last weekend before the marked deadline for Storm v2 beta. Which will actually be a pre-alpha, but that is okay.

Then I leave for japan on tuesday. Will be doing much coding on the plane! Its a 9 hour 45 minute flight, so jet lag will be horrid. I leave on the 9th at 12pm, and arrive in japan on the 10th at 2pm! Gotta love timezones... :)

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