19 Aug 2004 TheMuso   » (Observer)

Long time, no post

Well, I haven't blogged since March. I guess I forgot all about it, and partly due to the fact that advogato was down for a bit. I would actually like to move my blog over to my own (as yet non-existent) homepage, but I need to read a little more about this whole RSS thing, and how it is used. I would rather write my own PHP back-end for my site, and integrate RSS support into that. I guess I need to go and read the RSS specification.


This project has moved in some great directions since my previous mention of it here. Support for both Slackware 10.0 and 9.1, as well as dependancy support with slapt-get and swaret, and a few other things... Can't remember them all right now.

The move to Linux

Well it has actually happened, and I am very glad that I did it. I have to stick to the console for most things, however this doesn't bother me. The only thing I really need Mozilla for is some sites that are too hard to navigate with a screen reader. (Well I think they are.) Internet banking is one of these tasks that must be done in Mozilla with my eyes. The text-based browsers don't have very good encryption anyway, as far as I know.

Mutt is my email client of choice, and now I have it working just the way I want it, which is fantastic. I don't see myself changing any time soon.

Other linux musings

(Shameless plug) The Sydney Linux User's Group are holding an installfest this Saturday, 21 August. Go to the homepage linked previously to find out more. (/Shameless plug) I am going to it, and helping out with various things, and taking as much hardware as I can carry in a big backpack on the train. Should be a lot of fun, I must say I can't wait.

The SLUG Audio and Multi-media Special Interest Group are also holding a meeting on the 4th of September, again a Saturday. I have been to one of these as well, and people just sit around and talk, work on their own projects, whether it be music or code, and a good day is had by all.


Yes, I may as well mention it, as it is on Sunday, 22 August. I am having lunch with all my family, and my grandparents from my mother's side. It should be a good day, but I hope Mum can get over her cold soon. I feel sorry for anybody who gets colds that leave your head blocked up, and a sore throat.

As for what I am getting/have received, I received a paid for enrollment to a harmonica course, and of course, a harmonica. I must say I have always liked the sound of the harmonica, and this one is no exception. It is a chromatic harmonica, with a range of 3 octaves. The only thing I don't like about it, is that one can only play major chords with it. Anyway, I shouldn't complain. It is a great birthday present, I must practice though. The tongue blocking technique for playing single notes is quite hard.

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