Older blog entries for Tester (starting at number 2)

26 Dec 2001 (updated 26 Dec 2001 at 08:37 UTC) »

I havent posted a diary here in quite a while... I've since my last update worked a lot on GnomeICU, completely rewritting the client-server code ot use the new icq2001b protocol (v8).. So its really cool and jwise, our main developer has just released a new version, 0.98 with our code, so I'm really happy to see the progress we've made in so little time..

The extended essay that I publicised in my last diary received an A, (aka Excellent) the highest grade that I could get, so I'm quite happy with that. And I'm now studying software engineering at the "Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal" (polymtl.ca)

For all of those who wonder why I stated the license in my previous post, its because the IB (ibo.org) wants to be given all copyrights on anything given to them, so I gave a license to everybody before handing it in... Now that I have the diploma I can say it clearly: "Fuck their copyright policy"...

22 Jan 2001 (updated 26 Dec 2001 at 08:36 UTC) »

I have finished my extended essay. It is now available online!!!

I believe that it is the first paper written in French on buffer overflows. It is available on my webpage. That here.
The title is "Les débordements de tampons sur les systèmes Unix".. that's "Buffer overflows on Unix systems".

Btw, I am releasing it under the following terms: "It can be distributed without restrictions as long as its not modified".
Mon essai peut être redistribué sans restrictions s'il n'est pas modifié.

Here my first diary entry. I haven't had much time to code recently, has I am writing a paper for school on Buffer Overflows on Unix Systems. It's my IB extended essay. It's in French and as I found little (not to say nothing) in French about Buffer Overflows, I'll probably try to put it on my webpage when I'm done. If the IP policy of the IBO allows me to do it, because it seems that they want to get all rights on any work submitted to them, so I believe that I will have to put it on my webpage before submitting it to them.

On the programming front, I have rewritten a few months ago the chat code of GnomeICU to add support for multi-party chat and Jeremy is supposed to make a new release (0.95) with my code it in soon. I also had a bizzare bug report on the mailing list that I'm hoping to be able to have enough time to look into soon.

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