Older blog entries for SyntaxPolice (starting at number 30)

  • I saw Rilo Kiley last night with my gf and her sister. This is one of her sister's favorite bands.

  • Still really want a laptop linux machine.

  • Brian took some action shots from indoor rock climbing recently. Sorry they're big. I'll resize them eventually. It features my gf trying very hard to get over an edge, me cimbing both freestyle, on a rope, and with ice climbing equipment, lots of silly faces from Brian, and quite a number of random people, some of whom found the camera and created their own art. ;

  • I'm going to attempt to post this buffer as a test of my elisp ; "advogato-post-buffer-as-diary" function. Perhaps this has been done before, but who cares. ;
    (setq advogato-username "SyntaxPolice")
    (setq advogato-url "http://www.advogato.org/XMLRPC")
    (defun advogato-get-most-recent (&optional in-user)
      "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive)
      (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username)))
    	(let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1)))
    	  (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex))))
    (defun advogato-insert-most-recent (&optional in-user)
      "Inserts the most recent diary entry." (interactive)
      (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username)))
        (insert-string (advogato-get-most-recent user))))
    (defun advogato-post-string-as-diary (diary-str cookie &optional in-index)
      "Post the given string as the diary entry.  Use -1 as an index for a new entry."
      (let ((index (if in-index in-index -1)))
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.set cookie index diary-str)))
    (defun advogato-post-buffer-as-diary (cookie &optional in-index)
      "Post the current buffer as your diary entry"
      (advogato-post-string-as-diary (buffer-string) cookie in-index))
    (defun advogato-get-cookie (ad-username ad-password)
    ;    (setq advogato-username username)
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'authenticate ad-username ad-password))
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Below is for testing:
    (setq foo (advogato-insert-most-recent "SyntaxPolice"))
    (advogato-post-buffer-as-diary cookie)
    (defun advogato-get-most-recent2 (user)
      "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive)
      (let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1))
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex)))
    (advogato-get-most-recent2 "SyntaxPolice")
    (setq advogato-password "asdf")
  • I saw Rilo Kiley last night with my gf and her sister. This is one of her sister's favorite bands.

  • Still really want a laptop linux machine.

  • Brian took some action shots from indoor rock climbing recently. Sorry they're big. I'll resize them eventually. It features my gf trying very hard to get over an edge, me cimbing both freestyle, on a rope, and with ice climbing equipment, lots of silly faces from Brian, and quite a number of random people, some of whom found the camera and created their own art. ;

  • I'm going to attempt to post this buffer as a test of my elisp ; "advogato-post-buffer-as-diary" function. ;
    (setq advogato-username "SyntaxPolice")
    (setq advogato-url "http://www.advogato.org/XMLRPC")
    (defun advogato-get-most-recent (&optional in-user)
      "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive)
      (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username)))
    	(let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1)))
    	  (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex))))
    (defun advogato-insert-most-recent (&optional in-user)
      "Inserts the most recent diary entry." (interactive)
      (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username)))
        (insert-string (advogato-get-most-recent user))))
    (defun advogato-post-string-as-diary (diary-str cookie &optional in-index)
      "Post the given string as the diary entry.  Use -1 as an index for a new entry."
      (let ((index (if in-index in-index -1)))
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.set cookie index diary-str)))
    (defun advogato-post-buffer-as-diary (cookie &optional in-index)
      "Post the current buffer as your diary entry"
      (advogato-post-string-as-diary (buffer-string) cookie in-index))
    (defun advogato-get-cookie (ad-username ad-password)
    ;    (setq advogato-username username)
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'authenticate ad-username ad-password))
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Below is for testing:
    (setq foo (advogato-insert-most-recent "SyntaxPolice"))
    (advogato-post-buffer-as-diary cookie)
    (defun advogato-get-most-recent2 (user)
      "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive)
      (let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1))
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex)))
    (advogato-get-most-recent2 "SyntaxPolice")
    (setq advogato-password "asdf")
  • I saw Rilo Kiley last night with my gf and her sister. This is one of her sister's favorite bands.

  • Still really want a laptop linux machine.

  • Brian took some action shots from indoor rock climbing recently. Sorry they're big. I'll resize them eventually. It features my gf trying very hard to get over an edge, me cimbing both freestyle, on a rope, and with ice climbing equipment, lots of silly faces from Brian, and quite a number of random people, some of whom found the camera and created their own art. ;
  • I'm going to attempt to post this buffer as a test of my elisp ; "advogato-post-buffer-as-diary" function. ;
    (setq advogato-username "SyntaxPolice")
    (setq advogato-url "http://www.advogato.org/XMLRPC")
    (defun advogato-get-most-recent (&optional in-user)
      "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive)
      (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username)))
    	(let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1)))
    	  (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex))))
    (defun advogato-insert-most-recent (&optional in-user)
      "Inserts the most recent diary entry." (interactive)
      (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username)))
        (insert-string (advogato-get-most-recent user))))
    (defun advogato-post-string-as-diary (diary-str cookie &optional in-index)
      "Post the given string as the diary entry.  Use -1 as an index for a new entry."
      (let ((index (if in-index in-index -1)))
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.set cookie index diary-str)))
    (defun advogato-post-buffer-as-diary (cookie &optional in-index)
      "Post the current buffer as your diary entry"
      (advogato-post-string-as-diary (buffer-string) cookie in-index))
    (defun advogato-get-cookie (ad-username ad-password)
    ;    (setq advogato-username username)
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'authenticate ad-username ad-password))
    ; ------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Below is for testing:
    (setq foo (advogato-insert-most-recent "SyntaxPolice"))
    (advogato-post-buffer-as-diary cookie)
    (defun advogato-get-most-recent2 (user)
      "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive)
      (let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1))
        (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex)))
    (advogato-get-most-recent2 "SyntaxPolice")
    (setq advogato-password "asdf")
  • I saw Rilo Kiley last night with my gf and her sister. This is one of her sister's favorite bands.

  • Still really want a laptop linux machine.

  • Brian took some action shots from indoor rock climbing recently. Sorry they're big. I'll resize them eventually. It features my gf trying very hard to get over an edge, me cimbing both freestyle, on a rope, and with ice climbing equipment, lots of silly faces from Brian, and quite a number of random people, some of whom found the camera and created their own art.
  • ; I'm going to attempt to post this buffer as a test of my elisp ; "advogato-post-buffer-as-diary" function. (setq advogato-username "SyntaxPolice") (setq advogato-url "http://www.advogato.org/XMLRPC") (defun advogato-get-most-recent (&optional in-user) "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive) (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username))) (let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1))) (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex)))) (defun advogato-insert-most-recent (&optional in-user) "Inserts the most recent diary entry." (interactive) (let ((user (if in-user in-user advogato-username))) (insert-string (advogato-get-most-recent user)))) (defun advogato-post-string-as-diary (diary-str cookie &optional in-index) (let ((index (if in-index in-index -1))) (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.set cookie index diary-str))) (defun advogato-post-buffer-as-diary (cookie &optional in-index) (advogato-post-string-as-diary (buffer-string) cookie in-index)) (defun advogato-get-cookie (ad-username ad-password) ; (setq advogato-username username) (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'authenticate ad-username ad-password)) ; ------------------------------------------------------------ ; Below is for testing: (setq foo (advogato-insert-most-recent "SyntaxPolice")) (advogato-post-buffer-as-diary cookie) (defun advogato-get-most-recent2 (user) "Gets the last diary entry" (interactive) (let ((lastIndex (- (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.len user) 1)) ) (xml-rpc-method-call advogato-url 'diary.get user lastIndex))) (advogato-get-most-recent2 "SyntaxPolice") (setq advogato-password "asdf") (advogato-get-cookie "SyntaxPolice" "asdf") diary.set(string cookie, int index, string html) Set a diary entry. Use -1 as the index to post a new entry, although the value returned by diary.len() is also acceptable. (buffer-string)

  • I saw Rilo Kiley last night with my gf and her sister. This is one of her sister's favorite bands.

  • Still really want a laptop linux machine.

  • Brian took some action shots from indoor rock climbing recently. Sorry they're big. I'll resize them eventually. It features my gf trying very hard to get over an edge, me cimbing both freestyle, on a rope, and with ice climbing equipment, lots of silly faces from Brian, and quite a number of random people, some of whom found the camera and created their own art.
  • Have an initial version of the Haskell Control.Monad.State documentation. I'm mulling over who to ask to double check it.
  • kwoo: No problem. Of course now I am obliged to point out how awesome Haskell is :)

  • Subversion is being bratty lately. All my commits leave the repo in a bad state and I have to run svn recover. Commiting gives me no error, though!
  • 4 Mar 2003 (updated 4 Mar 2003 at 21:20 UTC) »
  • Pretty busy at work lately
  • Working on some documentation. Converted most of the Alex documentation to docbook.
  • Working on documenting the Control.Monad.State module a bit.
  • I finally got my own climbing shoes.
  • Tried climbing w/ the ice-climbing tools the other day (may have pictures soon) which was fun, but I cut myself a little.
  • kwoo should note that there is an entire book on O'Caml being translated to English. Perhaps this is what he was referring to?
  • Spent some time over the weekend with my friend Phil working on Category Theory. He was nice enough to study a book for me and speant Sunday afternoon teaching me. I really enjoy abstract stuff like graph theory, but I hear that you have to get really good at the less abstract stuff like calculus in order to really learn the other stuff.

  • Ohio State was closed yesterday due to lots of snow. Though I graduated in june, when it was announced, I headed over to the oval, along with hundreds of other students, for a massive snowball fight. There were also streakers (all male), but we didn't flip over any cars :(

  • I've discovered that more often than not, you can ignore things that say "click here" since they're usually popups or something. I think nytimes.com always opens up a popup window like that, but since I use Galeon with popups in tabs, I don't know what they say.

  • Hacked w/ walters on Apt last night, which was cool. We're getting together again on wednesday.

  • Upgraded the gf's computer (she uses Debian, of course) the other day and we were both a little annoyed to see that Abiword had altered its layout, and the letter she was writing no longer fit on one page. We needed to print it and since she was out of ink, we reformatted, saved as MS Word and tried to print it on her roomate's computer. To my delight, the formatting was almost identical to how it looked in Abiword. Hurray for them!

  • For valentines day, I took my gf to a Trio Voronezh performance. They're really cool.
  • 21 older entries...

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