Older blog entries for SteveMallett (starting at number 25)

I wrote a quickie piece on my o'reilly blog about how too many people have two common misconceptions about what open source means & how many people seem to just make up their own definition of OS. ::LINK ::

26 May 2002 (updated 26 May 2002 at 17:05 UTC) »

I've moved my diary/blog to livejournal.

I'll post here when info is relevant to the advogato forum. I did order an ibook....

I ordered a book from Amazon last week & it came today. I have to credit that to Amazon having switched to Linux, apache etc etc, of course. Afterall, it did have to travel across the border by dogsled!

The Future of Ideas by Lawrence Lessig. I going to try to read it before the Emer Tech Conf. Good luck, to myself.

*Note to my compadres who may find themselves in Canada one day, seeking refuge from the DCMA et al; Air Canada is a total biatch. I may have to use my new book as a battering ram/shield against the herd that are air-travlers these days. Dear 'work at Air Canada by day, open source programmer by night" guy, bump me to first class will ya?

Nothing much new around here. Just a bunch of stuff I'm waiting on actually. I'd rather not mention any of it for fear of fate screwing it up so it can tell me "I told you so." 8^) <fist shaking>Damn you fate! </fist shaking>

So, how about a couple hints?

1) Dust off your T-shirt making machine.


2) Location, location, location.

Both are unrelated.


Does anyone versed in XML-RPC or SOAP (I'm not sure which) want to help/get-it-on with Trovesend? The project needs some new life with someone who knows what they're doing. Somehow the project made it to the SF Perl Foundry, but whatever works! The idea is solid & would save developers tons of time/frustration/work etc.

Over and out.

I thought the story yesterday on news.com must have been a joke, but I confirmed it myself at netcraft. Microsoft's and UniSYS' anti-unix campaign website runs on FreeBSD. Here's the link to the results.

I also double checked that this was indeed the real web URL for the campaign with whois. It's owned by UniSys and dns points to Unisys dns servers.


It appears that a little love is going to go a long way soon. Details to follow.

There. We're looking good in IE now. Funny though that I wrote earlier last week that I was going to fix that & on Friday an IE user told me that it rendered poorly in IE!

It was one stupid "center" tag. It didn't affect Moz, NetS or Konq one bit, but IE. I hate it when that happens.

The Open Source Definition in Esperanto, Hebrew and Latvian.

They're only on the draft "new site" for now. It should be rolled out and over the old one pretty soon.

I just posted this to the 'themes.org' article'...

I am generally dismayed by comments like this: "The powers that be, whose interests are completely separate from those of the community that themes.org serves, have decided..."

I was in NY for linuxworld & met a bunch of the former OSDN core people and general volunteers & what they had to say was just as forboding. Even some of the current employees/volunteers had nothing positive to say. (The SF guys were still cool)

I have since begun, and this was a seed idea previously, discussions with many good, high-quality, yet lesser known sites that live in OSDN's shadow to form a strong organization by consent instead of by ownership.... from the 'working doc':

*Create greater visibility for the entire organization outside of member sites. (Get out from under the shadow)
*Create greater visibilty for member sites within the organization.
*Work together to share our individual gifts, talents, and resources. (work together without owning J00!)
*It is recognized that each member's primary responsibility is to their contributing resource (website, company, or service). No member is expected or required to adversely affect their resource in advancing the network. (Do your own thing without interferance)
*The network will recognize all members as equal. Regardless of size, resources, status or seniority.
*We will work by a social structure of respect. The members with the greatest respect will act as benevolent dictators. But, one member equals one vote on all 'official' matters.
*We will work openly on all matters and keep a public record.
*We are an association by consent.
*We will be an inclusive organization. That is to say that we will happily agree to disagree for the purpose of working together on our common goals.

This sounds a little high minded, but it should playout practically. Sites work together instead of alone. They share resources/talents, whatever they can offer. And, do not give up control of their vision!

These sites can have differing opinions from each other on content & cheese off other members because they aren't ultimately tied to each other, but the differing views and opinions are very healthy to the organization.

For the record, sites so far are generally waiting for a big player to join before becoming official members. I get the impression some are still waiting for that sugar daddy that isn't coming. It's not 1998 anymore guys. Back to basics!


I'm going to spend the day making OSD look better in IE & 'others'. Maybe I'll cut back a bit on the info we track too. As useful as some info is no one seems to want to tell anyone about it. shrug shrug, snip snip

I've been slacking OSD lately so I'd better go over my todo list. Now, where did I put that? It's snowing like heck here so it's a super day to plow through some of the more monotonous todo list items.


I'm discouraged with the state of the web. Especially open source webs. They stink. I'm not one to criticize without a helpful suggestion, but I'm lost for one right now. I'll have to ponder that one & get back to y'all.

How many people can run php/postnuke & not make you run away screaming 'not another one.... aaaaaa!!!!' And the content is mostly laboured. They must be thinking 'people are coming to my site so I must post a story/rant every 2hrs for the sake of having something new even if it is drivel.

It's refreshing to come to advogato during the day & not see a new diary entry or article. That is strange. And so.... I apologize for my entry. 8^)


Work continues on the new site layout/look etc... Now, if only the boys & gal would choose a new logo I'd launch that puppy.

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