Older blog entries for ShredWheat (starting at number 8)

After a busy and restful Father's Day I suppose I'm ready for another busy week of work. Been pretty full workdays these past few weeks, and I certainly haven't been close to my pygame. Seems the "regulars" are also busy doing their own things, as I don't see much of anyone in the #pygame channel these days.

Visitied a B.Dalton bookstore last night, expecting to see the latest Linux Journal. It turns out they didn't have much of anything and I left empty handed. A woefully limited offering.

I spent some time on my windows partition and played about 4 hours of the SimGolf demo. I was expecting a little more from it. A clever little game, fun too, but it seemed a bit abrasive around the edges. I might have even played a little longer but it locked up. Now it's uninstalled.

I've just learned that the latest issue of Linux Journal has a small reference to pygame. The article is about an effects compositing package, completely unrelated. Nonetheless, there is still solid mention of my project, along with a small sample program to animate boxes. Tonight some lucky bookstore shall receive my funds.

June 2 had over 1,000 visitors to the pygame.org website. Very exciting for a humble project manager. So far things are smooth for the latest 1.5 release, and now OSX packages are on their way.

I spent all of yesterday creating SolarWolf 1.1. I haven't had as much fun programming in quite awhile. I can't say enough good things about Python. Even after using it for these years, I am still surprised at how productive I am when using. Marvelous language!

So far no bug reports on Pygame 1.5. Excellect.

smooth sailing for my release. Gentoo already has 1.5 packages included. Debian and FreeBSD should be following suit by this weekend. Sadly no word yet on anything for OSX.

At this point I'm pretty excited to get back to my own game projects. I'll probably release a small update for solarwolf, then get back to work on my bigger plans.

Oh, and I've nearly finished up my article for py. I'm very pleased with it, but I've been scouring it for problems many times. Last night I finished up what must be my 6th draft.

The deed has been done, pygame has been shipped to the masses. This should be a pretty solid release. I'm expecting it to hold up for awhile before anything new comes along.

I already have some ideas of what new features might show up in 1.6, but I'm taking a break before getting those started. At this point I'd rather get a couple more games under my belt. I've got no shortage of great ideas, but where can I purchase some time?

This past week or so I've been thinking the idea of an online journal is pretty good. Maybe I'll try to update this more than twice per year?

Hopefully tomorrow will bring the release of pygame version 1.5. I'm a bit nervous as i really want this release to be the rock solid version that lasts for awhile. As always, gobs of new features and bugfixes, we'll see if it all holds together.

Well I just put my first 'article' up on Advogato. It's more of an "Ask Advogato" instead of something informative. Nevertheless, it is an interesting topic, and I look forward to any answers/discussion that come up.

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