21 Jun 2001 Phoon   » (Journeyer)


nothing doing

I know you're going to ask... no, I haven't done any coding. So sue me.
stubby fingers
I had a very... enlightening... conversation with one of the lab managers at my school. (This isn't the same one I dealt with earlier.) We got into a discussion about programming languages.

She actually claimed C++ was simpler than C, simply because it has iostreams rather than stdio. The book she used to learn C didn't cover printf() very well, and the C++ book covered iostreams, so of course she assumed that iostreams are better. Of course she didn't realize how much of a monstrosity C++ can be if you let it. We bantered back and forth for a while, then I told her I would bring her some C code that I had written.

That was yesterday. Today I printed out some sample C code and a copy of the GPL, for her enlightenment.

She also said she would rather write in COBOL. So I went to the library and checked out a COBOL book. Just LOOKING at the source makes my fingers hurt.

muchos dolores..
... en mi cabeza...

Spanish is coming along slowly. On July 26 I have to give a presentation about gauchos. The Argentine cowboys. Yeah, those guys. Actually, it's an interesting topic... but I don't have the needed vocabulary in Spanish yet.

Next term I have to take Calculus III. It's not required for graduation, but it is required to transfer to USF's Comp Sci program. Don't ask me why.

I still need to take General Chemistry 2 and Wellness Concepts (gym class).

new shoes
The time had come again for me to find another pair of sandals for my size-13-wide feet.

So I got a decent-looking pair of sandals, size 13. Only one problem: they're too long. When I'm riding my bike, the toes tend to rub against the ground if I'm not careful. They're also a hassle to walk in. They're also too narrow.

If a pair is short enough, it's too narrow, and if I get a pair wide enough, they're too long.

Bill Gates can't be human. There is no way that much crap can flow from one person.
life, the universe, and everything
logic: Today had a number of interesting things happen. First, the total solar eclipse. Next, it's the first day of summer solstice. Then, we have Mars making a quick pass near earth. And finally, it is the 42nd day since the passing of Douglas Adams. What a strange set of coincidences.

Maybe someone actually built the Infinite Improbability Drive?

tickling the ivories?
More like "pummeling the ivories".

I learned my first song today... "Miniature Waltz"... it's only 16 measures but it took me nearly an hour to play it correctly. I still haven't learned to play hands-together correctly yet.

(Don't laugh. I just started learning.)

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