Older blog entries for Mmarquee (starting at number 49)

15 Jul 2003 (updated 15 Jul 2003 at 22:50 UTC) »

Re: Previous diary - its already there, sort of.
Have now got something really happening with the dashboard / rhythmbox link. It shows the details of the current track, and remembers the tracks that you have played and when! It should straight forward to show these tracks as a list, like the gaim log that already exists. This is quite fun, serves no purpose at all!

Success of a kind

All this has me thinking, what about linking to the advogato rss for more details?


The dashboard plugin is coming on a treat. Sent the updated backend to nat to see what he makes of it, it is currently just a 'now playing' brain-dead useless thing, but its a start.
However, its back to work tomorrow, so that could slow things down.

Life (& Death)

Is there anyone that the Bush administration is not willing to blame (other than themselves of course)?

Mr Bush said: "The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa".

How did we get Tony, and they get GWB? What had we been upto in our past lives?

Well Rhythmbox might be picking up again, but it needs a stable release so that people stop making fun of its development!
CVS is pretty stable and hasn't borked on me yet, so its a base to work on anyway, and hopefully Colin will be able to get it moving again.


Started to take a proper look at want needs to be done with the dashboard frontend, and have written a little snippet on mono code that when given a file url parses through the rb library and picks out the useful meta-data. This is gonna help me display the details of the playing track in dashboard, which the first phaselet of phase 2.


Had a really bad day at work, having to pick up a piece of code for which no-one (not even the guy who wrote it) would take any responsibility for. Have to leave soon, must keep repeating that


My friend goes to Egypt tomorrow for 4 months, and I am not jealous, oh no, not at all. Just wish it was me. Maria goes back to Mexico in 5 days, and then in August Andy also goes to Egypt, what am I doing here?
9 Jul 2003 (updated 10 Jul 2003 at 22:52 UTC) »

Wow, sort of got phase 1 working, the sending of cluepackets between rb and dashboard.
The update is only sent when the track finishes (this is when the statistics are updated), so I might need to change that.
So jsut what is the backend going to do?
Well as a first idea, it could show the details from the clue, and then maybe parse through the rb xml file to get the lat 10 played by that artist, genre, etc.
I've got something visual happening in the dashboard app itself, so that is quite a step forward.

Actually moving house on 21st. Glenda Jackson will now be my MP.


Been busy working and moping around recently, and only just recently managed to fix my Linux install. Now having a look at the evolving Dashboard application, and how Rhythmbox can be plugged into it, it looks quite straight forward, I just need to get dashboard actually compiling!

In case I dont have enough stree I'm moving house in a month.
Oh, and I think I'm in love (again)
13 Jun 2003 (updated 13 Jun 2003 at 13:37 UTC) »

Well, I'm back from Egypt, and really miserable about being back to soggy London.
Just sitting here watch the junkies shootup at the back of my work is making me quite ill.

Started working on the 'write' part of the pjbvfs. This is quite tricky and I can see why people have avoided coding this part of other methods.
At the moment all it does is create a zero byte length file, crash and screw up the allocation table on the pjb! Not what I was looking for obviously!

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