Older blog entries for LotR (starting at number 12)

Bah, lilo's diary is almost as bad as bytesplit's. We need a diary-writing trust metric!

So, I polished up my diary.xsl stylesheet a bit, and thought I'd share it with the world. (with accompanying xml file for month names)

if you add the following to the top of your downloaded xml advogato diary, you can get mozilla to present it to you as html.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="diary.xsl"?>

(and thanks to kirillov for reminding me I had a diary.xsl :)

ianmacd seems to think Ruby's missing_method is a unique feature. I think it's more likely it was borrowed from Perl:


sub main::AUTOLOAD { my ($method, $data, %attrs) = ($AUTOLOAD, @_); my ($tag) = $method =~ /.*::(\w+)/g; my $attr_str; foreach my $key (keys %attrs) { $attr_str .= sprintf (" %s='%s'", $attrs{$key}); } return sprintf ("<%s%s>%s</%s>", $tag, $attr_str, $data, $tag); }

print &a ('Google', href => 'http://www.google.com'), "\n"; print &ul(&li('item1') . &li('item2') . &li('item3')), "\n";

Of course, TMTOWTDI, and ianmacd already mentions CGI.pm, which does the same thing, only more robustly.

Another module is quite useful if you want to edit your html tree at some point after creating it, HTML::Element. An example of how to create a tree with it, and print it:

use HTML::Element;

my $foo = HTML::Element->new_from_lol ( ['p', ['a', {href => 'http://www.google.com'}, 'Google' ], ['ul', map ['li', $_], qw(item1 item2 item3) ], ], );

print $foo->as_HTML;

Posted through the XML-RPC interface from Perl

grr. I *HATE* stupid bugs caused by mindless copy-n-paste "coding"

Stop scaring us, mtearle

mathieu, stop complaining about not having a life, and enjoy what you're doing some more. Sounds like a fine life from what's in your diaries to me.

in other news, Reefknot is proving to be much hacking fun (see?). Must do C stuff again, all this Perl is making my C memory rusty :(

SeaDragons: if you want to be certified, post some information about yourself

(what) is Ximian thinking?!?

woo Got my GUADEC ticket!

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