Older blog entries for LaForge (starting at number 268)

Developers wanted for Osmocom GSM related work

Right now I'm feeling sad. I really shouldn't, but I still do.

Many years ago I started OpenBSC and Osmocom in order to bring Free Software into an area where it barely existed before: Cellular Infrastructure. For the first few years, it was "just for fun", without any professional users. A FOSS project by enthusiasts. Then we got some commercial / professional users, and with them funding, paying for e.g. Holger and my freelance work. Still, implementing all protocol stacks, interfaces and functional elements of GSM and GPRS from the radio network to the core network is something that large corporations typically spend hundreds of man-years on. So funding for Osmocom GSM implementations was always short, and we always tried to make the best out of it.

After Holger and I started sysmocom in 2011, we had a chance to use funds from BTS sales to hire more developers, and we were growing our team of developers. We finally could pay some developers other than ourselves from working on Free Software cellular network infrastructure.

In 2014 and 2015, sysmocom got side-tracked with some projects where Osmocom and the cellular network was only one small part of a much larger scope. In Q4/2015 and in 2016, we are back on track with focussing 100% at Osmocom projects, which you can probably see by a lot more associated commits to the respective project repositories.

By now, we are in the lucky situation that the work we've done in the Osmocom project on providing Free Software implementations of cellular technologies like GSM, GPRS, EDGE and now also UMTS is receiving a lot of attention. This attention translates into companies approaching us (particularly at sysmocom) regarding funding for implementing new features, fixing existing bugs and short-comings, etc. As part of that, we can even work on much needed infrastructural changes in the software.

So now we are in the opposite situation: There's a lot of interest in funding Osmocom work, but there are few people in the Osmocom community interested and/or capable to follow-up to that. Some of the early contributors have moved into other areas, and are now working on proprietary cellular stacks at large multi-national corporations. Some others think of GSM as a fun hobby and want to keep it that way.

At sysmocom, we are trying hard to do what we can to keep up with the demand. We've been looking to add people to our staff, but right now we are struggling only to compensate for the regular fluctuation of employees (i.e. keep the team size as is), let alone actually adding new members to our team to help to move free software cellular networks ahead.

I am struggling to understand why that is. I think Free Software in cellular communications is one of the most interesting and challenging frontiers for Free Software to work on. And there are many FOSS developers who love nothing more than to conquer new areas of technology.

At sysmocom, we can now offer what would have been my personal dream job for many years:

  • paid work on Free Software that is available to the general public, rather than something only of value to the employer
  • interesting technical challenges in an area of technology where you will not find the answer to all your problems on stackoverflow or the like
  • work in a small company consisting almost entirely only of die-hard engineers, without corporate managers, marketing departments, etc.
  • work in an environment free of Microsoft and Apple software or cloud services; use exclusively Free Software to get your work done

I would hope that more developers would appreciate such an environment. If you're interested in helping FOSS cellular networks ahead, feel free to have a look at http://sysmocom.de/jobs or contact us at jobs@sysmocom.de. Together, we can try to move Free Software for mobile communications to the next level!

Syndicated 2016-05-01 22:00:00 from LaForge's home page

You can now install a GSM network using apt-get

This is great news: You can now install a GSM network using apt-get!

Thanks to the efforts of Debian developer Ruben Undheim, there's now an OpenBSC (with all its flavors like OsmoBSC, OsmoNITB, OsmoSGSN, ...) package in the official Debian repository.

Here is the link to the e-mail indicating acceptance into Debian: https://tracker.debian.org/news/755641

I think for the past many years into the OpenBSC (and wider Osmocom) projects I always assumed that distribution packaging is not really something all that important, as all the people using OpenBSC surely would be technical enough to build it from the source. And in fact, I believe that building from source brings you one step closer to actually modifying the code, and thus contribution.

Nevertheless, the project has matured to a point where it is not used only by developers anymore, and particularly also (god beware) by people with limited experience with Linux in general. That such people still exist is surprisingly hard to realize for somebody like myself who has spent more than 20 years in Linux land by now.

So all in all, today I think that having packages in a Distribution like Debian actually is important for the further adoption of the project - pretty much like I believe that more and better public documentation is.

Looking forward to seeing the first bug reports reported through bugs.debian.org rather than https://projects.osmocom.org/ . Once that happens, we know that people are actually using the official Debian packages.

As an unrelated side note, the Osmocom project now also has nightly builds available for Debian 7.0, Debian 8.0 and Ubunut 14.04 on both i586 and x86_64 architecture from https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/network:osmocom:nightly. The nightly builds are for people who want to stay on the bleeding edge of the code, but who don't want to go through building everything from scratch. See Holgers post on the openbsc mailing list for more information.

Syndicated 2016-03-27 22:00:00 from LaForge's home page

Open Source mobile communications, security research and contributions

While preparing my presentation for the Troopers 2016 TelcoSecDay I was thinking once again about the importance of having FOSS implementations of cellular protocol stacks, interfaces and network elements in order to enable security researches (aka Hackers) to work on improving security in mobile communications.

From the very beginning, this was the motivation of creating OpenBSC and OsmocomBB: To enable more research in this area, to make it at least in some ways easier to work in this field. To close a little bit of the massive gap on how easy it is to do applied security research (aka hacking) in the TCP/IP/Internet world vs. the cellular world.

We have definitely succeeded in that. Many people have successfully the various Osmocom projects in order to do cellular security research, and I'm very happy about that.

However, there is a back-side to that, which I'm less happy about. In those past eight years, we have not managed to attract significant amount of contributions to the Osmocom projects from those people that benefit most from it: Neither from those very security researchers that use it in the first place, nor from the Telecom industry as a whole.

I can understand that the large telecom equipment suppliers may think that FOSS implementations are somewhat a competition and thus might not be particularly enthusiastic about contributing. However, the story for the cellular operators and the IT security crowd is definitely quite different. They should have no good reason not to contribute.

So as a result of that, we still have a relatively small amount of people contributing to Osmocom projects, which is a pity. They can currently be divided into two groups:

  • the enthusiasts: People contributing because they are enthusiastic about cellular protocols and technologies.
  • the commercial users, who operate 2G/2.5G networks based on the Osmocom protocol stack and who either contribute directly or fund development work at sysmocom. They typically operate small/private networks, so if they want data, they simply use Wifi. There's thus not a big interest or need in 3G or 4G technologies.

On the other hand, the security folks would love to have 3G and 4G implementations that they could use to talk to either mobile devices over a radio interface, or towards the wired infrastructure components in the radio access and core networks. But we don't see significant contributions from that sphere, and I wonder why that is.

At least that part of the IT security industry that I know typically works with very comfortable budgets and profit rates, and investing in better infrastructure/tools is not charity anyway, but an actual investment into working more efficiently and/or extending the possible scope of related pen-testing or audits.

So it seems we might want to think what we could do in order to motivate such interested potential users of FOSS 3G/4G to contribute to it by either writing code or funding associated developments...

If you have any thoughts on that, feel free to share them with me by e-mail to laforge@gnumonks.org.

Syndicated 2016-03-14 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

TelcoSecDay 2016: Open Source Network Elements for Security Analysis of Mobile Networks

Today I had the pleasure of presenting about Open Source Network Elements for Security Analysis of Mobile Networks at the Troopers 2016 TelcoSecDay.

The main topics addressed by this presentation are:

  • Importance of Free and Open Source Software implementations of cellular network protocol stacks / interfaces / network elements for applied telecom security research
  • The progress we've made at Osmocom over the last eight years.
  • An overview about our current efforts to implement at 3G Network similar to the existing 2G/2.5G/2.75G implementations.

There are no audio or video recordings of this session.

Slides are available at http://git.gnumonks.org/index.html/laforge-slides/plain/2016/telcosecday/foss-gsm.html

Syndicated 2016-03-14 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

Linaro Connect BKK16 Keynote on GPL Compliance

Today I had the pleasure of co-presenting with Shane Coughlan the Linaro Connect BKK16 Keynote on GPL compliance about GPL compliance.

The main topics addressed by this presentation are:

  • Brief history about GPL enforcement and how it has impacted the industry
  • Ultimate Goal of GPL enforcement is compliance
  • The license is not an end in itself, but rather to facilitate collaborative development
  • GPL compliance should be more engineering and business driven, not so much legal (compliance) driven.

The video recording is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4Bli8h0V-Q

Slides are available at http://git.gnumonks.org/index.html/laforge-slides/plain/2016/linaroconnect/compliance.html

The video of a corresponding interview is available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6IgjCyO-iQ

Syndicated 2016-03-08 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

Report from the VMware GPL court hearing

Today, I took some time off to attend the court hearing in the GPL violation/infringement case that Christoph Hellwig has brought against VMware.

I am not in any way legally involved in the lawsuit. However, as a fellow (former) Linux kernel developer myself, and a long-term Free Software community member who strongly believes in the copyleft model, I of course am very interested in this case - and of course in an outcome in favor of the plaintiff. Nevertheless, the below report tries to provide an un-biased account of what happened at the hearing today, and does not contain my own opinions on the matter. I can always write another blog post about that :)

I blogged about this case before briefly, and there is a lot of information publicly discussed about the case, including the information published by the Software Freedom Conservancy (see the link above, the announcement and the associated FAQ.

Still, let's quickly summarize the facts:

  • VMware is using parts of the Linux kernel in their proprietary ESXi product, including the entire SCSI mid-layer, USB support, radix tree and many, many device drivers.
  • as is generally known, Linux is licensed under GNU GPLv2, a copyleft-style license.
  • VMware has modified all the code they took from the Linux kernel and integrated them into something they call vmklinux.
  • VMware has modified their proprietary virtualization OS kernel vmkernel with specific API/symbol to interact with vmklinux
  • at least in earlier versions of ESXi, virtually any block device access has to go through vmklinux and thus the portions of Linux they took
  • vmklinux and vmkernel are dynamically linked object files that are linked together at run-time
  • the Linux code they took runs in the same execution context (address space, stack, control flow) like the vmkernel.

Ok, now enter the court hearing of today.

Christoph Hellwig was represented by his two German Lawyers, Dr. Till Jaeger and Dr. Miriam Ballhausen. VMware was represented by three German lawyers lead by Matthias Koch, as well as a US attorney, Michael Jacobs (by means of two simultaneous interpreters). There were also several members of the in-house US legal team of VMware present, but not formally representing the defendant in court.

As is unusual for copyright disputes, there was quite some audience following the court. Next to the VMware entourage, there were also a couple of fellow Linux kernel developers as well as some German IT press representatives following the hearing.

General Introduction of the presiding judge

After some formalities (like the question whether or not a ',' is missing after the "Inc." in the way it is phrased in the lawsuit), the presiding judge started with some general remarks

  • the court is well aware of the public (and even international public) interest in this case
  • the court understands there are novel fundamental legal questions raised that no court - at least no German court - had so far to decide upon.
  • the court also is well aware that the judges on the panel are not technical experts and thus not well-versed in software development or computer science. Rather, they are a court specialized on all sorts of copyright matters, not particularly related to software.
  • the court further understands that Linux is a collaborative, community-developed operating system, and that the development process is incremental and involves many authors.
  • the court understands there is a lot of discussion about interfaces between different programs or parts of a program, and that there are a variety of different definitions and many interpretations of what interfaces are

Presentation about the courts understanding of the subject matter

The presiding judge continued to explain what was their understanding of the subject matter. They understood VMware ESXi serves to virtualize a computer hardware in order to run multiple copies of the same or of different versions of operating systems on it. They also understand that vmkernel is at the core of that virtualization system, and that it contains something called vmkapi which is an interface towards Linux device drivers.

However, they misunderstood that this case was somehow an interface between a Linux guest OS being virtualized on top of vmkernel. It took both defendant and plaintiff some time to illustrate that in fact this is not the subject of the lawsuit, and that you can still have portions of Linux running linked into vmkernel while exclusively only virtualizing Windows guests on top of vmkernel.

The court went on to share their understanding of the GPLv2 and its underlying copyleft principle, that it is not about abandoning the authors' rights but to the contrary exercising copyright. They understood the license has implications on derivative works and demonstrated that they had been working with both the German translation a well as the English language original text of GPLv2. At least I was sort-of impressed by the way they grasped it - much better than some of the other courts that I had to deal with in the various cases I was bringing forward during my gpl-violations.org work before.

They also illustrated that they understood that Christoph Hellwig has been developing parts of the Linux kernel, and that modified parts of Linux were now being used in some form in VMware ESXi.

After this general introduction, there was the question of whether or not both parties would still want to settle before going further. The court already expected that this would be very unlikely, as it understood that the dispute serves to resolve fundamental legal question, and there is hardly any compromise in the middle between using or not using the Linux code, or between licensing vmkernel under a GPL compatible license or not. And as expected, there was no indication from either side that they could see an out-of-court settlement of the dispute at this point.

Discussion of specific Legal Issues (standing)

In terms of the legal arguments brought forward in hundreds of pages of legal briefs being filed between the parties, the court summarized:

  • they do not see a problem in the fact that the lawsuit by Christoph Hellwig may be funded or supported by the Software Freedom Conservancy. Christoph is acting on his own behalf, using his own rights.
  • they do not see any issues regarding the place of jurisdiction being placed in Hamburg, Germany, as the defendant is providing the disputed software via the Internet, which according to German law permits the plaintiff to choose any court within Germany. The court added, of course, that whatever verdict it may rule, this verdict will be limited to the German jurisdiction.
  • In terms of the type of authors' right being claimed by the plaintiff, there was some discussion about paragraph 3 vs. 8 vs. 9 of German UrhG (the German copyright law). In general it is understood that the development method of the Linux kernel is a sequential, incremental development process, and thus it is what we call Bearbeiterurheberecht (loosely translated as modifying/editing authors right) that is used by Christoph to make his claim.

Right to sue / sufficient copyrighted works of the plaintiff

There was quite some debate about the question whether or not the plaintiff has shown that he actually holds a sufficient amount of copyrighted materials.

The question here is not, whether Christoph has sufficient copyrightable contributions on Linux as a whole, but for the matter of this legal case it is relevant which of his copyrighted works end up in the disputed product VMware ESXi.

Due to the nature of the development process where lots of developers make intermittent and incremental changes, it is not as straight-forward to demonstrate this, as one would hope. You cannot simply print an entire C file from the source code and mark large portions as being written by Christoph himself. Rather, lines have been edited again and again, were shifted, re-structured, re-factored. For a non-developer like the judges, it is therefore not obvious to decide on this question.

This situation is used by the VMware defense in claiming that overall, they could only find very few functions that could be attributed to Christoph, and that this may altogether be only 1% of the Linux code they use in VMware ESXi.

The court recognized this as difficult, as in German copyright law there is the concept of fading. If the original work by one author has been edited to an extent that it is barely recognizable, his original work has faded and so have his rights. The court did not state whether it believed that this has happened. To the contrary, the indicated that it may very well be that only very few lines of code can actually make a significant impact on the work as a whole. However, it is problematic for them to decide, as they don't understand source code and software development.

So if (after further briefs from both sides and deliberation of the court) this is still an open question, it might very well be the case that the court would request a techncial expert report to clarify this to the court.

Are vmklinux + vmkernel one program/work or multiple programs/works?

Finally, there was some deliberation about the very key question of whether or not vmkernel and vmklinux were separate programs / works or one program / work in the sense of copyright law. Unfortunately only the very surface of this topic could be touched in the hearing, and the actual technical and legal arguments of both sides could not be heard.

The court clarified that if vmkernel and vmklinux would be considered as one program, then indeed their use outside of the terms of the GPL would be an intrusion into the rights of the plaintiff.

The difficulty is how to actually venture into the legal implications of certain technical software architecture, when the people involved have no technical knowledge on operating system theory, system-level software development and compilers/linkers/toolchains.

A lot is thus left to how good and 'believable' the parties can present their case. It was very clear from the VMware side that they wanted to down-play the role and proportion of vmkernel and its Linux heritage. At times their lawyers made statements like linux is this small yellow box in the left bottom corner (of our diagram). So of course already the diagrams are drawn in a way to twist the facts according to their view on reality.


  • The court seems very much interested in the case and wants to understand the details
  • The court recognizes the general importance of the case and the public interest in it
  • There were some fundamental misunderstandings on the technical architecture of the software under dispute that could be clarified
  • There are actually not that many facts that are disputed between both sides, except the (key, and difficult) questions on
    • does Christoph hold sufficient rights on the code to bring forward the legal case?
    • are vmkernel and vmklinux one work or two separate works?

The remainder of this dispute will thus be centered on the latter two questions - whether in this court or in any higher courts that may have to re-visit this subject after either of the parties takes this further, if the outcome is not in their favor.

In terms of next steps,

  • both parties have until April 15, 2016 to file further briefs to follow-up the discussions in the hearing today
  • the court scheduled May 19, 2016 as date of promulgation. However, this would of course only hold true if the court would reach a clear decision based on the briefs by then. If there is a need for an expert, or any witnesses need to be called, then it is likely there will be further hearings and no verdict will be reached by then.

Syndicated 2016-02-24 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

Software under OSA Public License is neither Open Source nor Free Software

It seems my recent concerns on the OpenAirInterface re-licensing were not unjustified.

I contacted various legal experts on Free Software legal community about this, and the response was unanimous: In all feedback I received, the general opinion was that software under the OSA Public License V1.0 is neither Free Software nor Open Source Software.

The rational is, that it does not fulfill the criteria of

  • the FSF Free Software definition, as the license does not fulfill freedom 0: The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (which obviously includes commercial use)
  • the Open Source Initiatives Open Source Definition, as the license must not discriminate against fields of endeavor, such as commercial use.
  • the Debian Free Software Guidelines, as the DFSG also require no discrimination against fields of endeavor, such as commercial use.

I think we as the community need to be very clear about this. We should not easily tolerate that people put software under restrictive licenses but still call that software open source. This creates a bad impression to those not familiar with the culture and spirit of both Free Software and Open Source. It creates the impression that people can call something Open Source but then still ask royalties for it, if used commercially.

It is a shame that entities like Eurecom and the OpenAirInterface Software Association are open-washing their software by calling it Open Source when in fact it isn't. This attitude frankly makes me sick.

That's just like green-washing when companies like BP are claiming they're now an environmental friendly company just because they put some solar panels on the roof of some building.

Syndicated 2016-02-23 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

Osmocom.org migrating to redmine

In 2008, we started bs11-abis, which was shortly after renamed to OpenBSC. At the time it seemed like a good idea to use trac as the project management system, to have a wiki and an issue tracker.

When further Osmocom projects like OsmocomBB, OsmocomTETRA etc. came around, we simply replicated that infrastructure: Another trac instance with the same theme, and a shared password file.

The problem with this (and possibly the way we used it) is:

  • it doesn't scale, as creating projects is manual, requires a sysadmin and is time-consuming. This meant e.g. SIMtrace was just a wiki page in the OsmocomBB trac installation + associated http redirect, causing some confusion.
  • issues can not easily be moved from one project to another, or have cross-project relationships (like, depend on an issue in another project)
  • we had to use an external planet in order to aggregate the blog of each of the trac instances
  • user account management the way we did it required shell access to the machine, meaning user account applications got dropped due to the effort involved. My apologies for that.

Especially the lack of being able to move pages and tickets between trac's has resulted in a suboptimal use of the tools. If we first write code as part of OpenBSC and then move it to libosmocore, the associated issues + wiki pages should be moved to a new project.

At the same time, for the last 5 years we've been successfully using redmine inside sysmocom to keep track of many dozens of internal projects.

So now, finally, we (zecke, tnt, myself) have taken up the task to migrate the osmocom.org projects into redmine. You can see the current status at http://projects.osmocom.org/. We could create a more comprehensive project hierarchy, and give libosmocore, SIMtrace, OsmoSGSN and many others their own project.

Thanks to zecke for taking care of the installation/sysadmin part and the initial conversion!

Unfortunately the conversion from trac to redmine wiki syntax (and structure) was not as automatic and straight-forward as one would have hoped. But after spending one entire day going through the most important wiki pages, things are looking much better now. As a side effect, I have had a more comprehensive look into the history of all of our projects than ever before :)

Still, a lot of clean-up and improvement is needed until I'm happy, particularly splitting the OpenBSC wiki into separate OsmoBSC, OsmoNITB, OsmoBTS, OsmoPCU and OsmoSGSN wiki's is probably still going to take some time.

If you would like to help out, feel free to register an account on projects.osmocom.org (if you don't already have one from the old trac projects) and mail me for write access to the project(s) of your choice.

Possible tasks include

  • putting pages into a more hierarchic structure (there's a parent/child relationship in redmine wikis)
  • fixing broken links due to page renames / wiki page moves
  • creating a new redmine 'Project' for your favorite tool that has a git repo on http://git.osmocom.org/ and writing some (at least initial) documentation about it.

You don't need to be a software developer for that!

Syndicated 2016-02-20 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

Some update on recent OsmoBTS changes

After quite some time of gradual bug fixing and improvement, there have been quite some significant changes being made in OsmoBTS over the last months.

Just a quick reminder: In Fall 2015 we finally merged the long-pending L1SAP changes originally developed by Jolly, introducing a new intermediate common interface between the generic part of OsmoBTS, and the hardware/PHY specific part. This enabled a clean structure between osmo-bts-sysmo (what we use on the sysmoBTS) and osmo-bts-trx (what people with general-purpose SDR hardware use).

The L1SAP changes had some fall-out that needed to be fixed, not a big surprise with any change that big.

More recently however, three larger changes were introduced:

phy_link / phy_instance abstraction

There now is the concept of a phy_link, each of which can have multiple phy_instances. Each instance represents one baseband transceiver, i.e. a software or hardware unit driving a TRX inside a BTS.

Every BTS model has been converted to use this new abstraction layer.

proper Multi-TRX support

Based on the above phy_link/phy_instance infrastructure, one can map each phy_instance to one TRX by means of the VTY / configuration file.

The core of OsmoBTS now supports any number of TRXs, leading to flexible Multi-TRX support.

OCTPHY support

A Canadian company called Octasic has been developing a custom GSM PHY for their custom multi-core DSP architecture (OCTDSP). Rather than re-inventing the wheel for everything on top of the PHY, they chose to integrate OsmoBTS on top of it. I've been working at sysmocom on integrating their initial code into OsmoBTS, rendering a new osmo-bts-octphy backend.

This back-end has also recently been ported to the phy_link/phy_instance API and is Multi-TRX ready. You can both run multiple TRX in one DSP, as well as have multiple DSPs in one BTS, paving the road for scalability.

osmo-bts-octphy is now part of OsmoBTS master.

Corresponding changes to OsmoPCU (for full GPRS support on OCTPHY) are currently been worked on by Max at sysmocom.

Litecell 1.5 PHY support

Another Canadian company (Nutaq/Nuran) has been building a new BTS called Litecell 1.5. They also implemented OsmoBTS support, based on the osmo-bts-sysmo code. We've been able to integrate that code with the above-mentioned phy_link/phy_interface in order to support the MultiTRX capability of this hardware.

Litecell 1.5 MultiTRX capability has also been integrated with OsmoPCU.

osmo-bts-litecell15 is now part of OsmoBTS master.


  • 2016 starts as the OsmoBTS year of MultiTRX.
  • 2016 also starts as a year of many more hardware choices for OsmoBTS
  • we see more commercial adoption of OsmoBTS outside of the traditional options of sysmocom and Fairwaves

Syndicated 2016-02-19 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

Back from netdevconf 1.1 in Seville

I've had the pleasure of being invited to netdevconf 1.1 in Seville, spain.

After about a decade of absence in the Linux kernel networking community, it was great to meet lots of former colleagues again, as well as to see what kind of topics are currently being worked on and under discussion.

The conference had a really nice spirit to it. I like the fact that it is run by the community itself. Organized by respected members of the community. It feels like Linux-Kongress or OLS or UKUUG or many others felt in the past. There's just something that got lost when the Linux Foundation took over (or pushed aside) virtually any other Linux kernel related event on the planet in the past :/ So thanks to Jamal for starting netdevconf, and thanks to Pablo and his team for running this particular instance of it.

I never really wanted to leave netfilter and the Linux kernel network stack behind - but then my problem appears to be that there are simply way too many things of interest to me, and I had to venture first into RFID (OpenPCD, OpenPICC), then into smartphone hardware and software (Openmoko) and finally embark on a journey of applied telecoms archeology by starting OpenBSC, OsmocomBB and various other Osmocom projects.

Staying in Linux kernel networking land was simply not an option with a scope that can only be defined as wide as wanting to implement any possible protocol on any possible interface of any possible generation of cellular network.

At times like attending netdevconf I wonder if I made the right choice back then. Linux kernel networking is a lot of fun and hard challenges, too - and it is definitely an area that's much more used by many more organizations and individuals: The code I wrote on netfilter/iptables is probably running on billions of devices by now. Compare that to the Osmocom code, which is probably running on a few thousands of devices, if at all. Working on Open Source telecom protocols is sometimes a lonely fight. Not that I wouldn't value the entire team of developers involved in it. to the contrary. But lonely in the context that 99.999% of that world is a proprietary world, and FOSS cellular infrastructure is just the 0.001% at the margin of all of that.

One the Linux kernel side, you have virtually every IT company putting in their weight these days, and properly funded development is not that hard to come by. In cellular, reasonable funding for anything (compared to the scope and complexity of the tasks) is rather the exception than the norm.

But no, I don't have any regrets. It has been an interesting journey and I probably had the chance to learn many more things than if I had stayed in TCP/IP-land.

If only each day had 48 hours and I could work both on Osmocom and on the Linux kernel...

Syndicated 2016-02-14 23:00:00 from LaForge's home page

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