Older blog entries for Jewelsthorn (starting at number 30)

Today is prep for Comdex day. From my to-do list:

Prep for session introductions

Prep for LI member meeting

- Expense Summary from FY 2001

- Voting project and ETA/Election

- Linux talks at Comdex (future trade show opps)

- Member survey draft circulation

- Website redesign team

Wheee! Got confirmation that Marcio Saito of Cyclades Corporation will fill the speaking slot at Comdex. He's been fantastic to work with, and although this places a heavy burden on his already demanding schedule, I'm certain he'll deliver a fantastic talk.

LPI won the Linux Journal Editors Choice award for best Linux training & certification! The plaque was presented to Kara at ALS, and we're pretty pleased to have the recognition. All the awards will be mentioned in their December issue, so check us out!

Spent the rest of the afternoon with membership development, prospecting from LWN's commerce page.

Didn't get the logs from last weeks' Website Redesign committee meeting until about 30 mins before this weeks' meeting, so I didn't have time to forward the logs to team members AND prepare a reasonable agenda. Decided to forward the logs and just wing it, so the meeting was quite short. With the Comdex show next week, we can't meet then, so that cost us about 3 weeks of productivity :( I understand the glitch which created the problem has been fixed, so hopefully that won't happen again.

Still struggling with finding a good, technical Clustering talk to fill the shoes of a session that opened up. I had three decent leads, and two have backed out, with the third seeming shaky.

What a wonderful morning, eh?

Getting some responses to membership development inquiries I've been making, but they aren't particularly good. Everywhere we look, there is doom and gloom, so the value equation is more critical than ever.

Making some calls today to folks who didn't respond after two emails. Hopefully I'll get some feedback, at least.

I read the most encouraging thing I've seen in a long, long time from my local newspaper, the Lawrence Journal World on page 8B (back of the Lawrence & State section. Kansas Attorney General Carla Stovall has declined to sing on to the Microsoft Settlement agreement. There are two major reasons I'm in shock: Kansas is a very conservative state, and tends to do whatever big business tells us to do. The majority of our elected representatives tend to just nod and get in line when money talks. I find this extremely irritating, and even infuriating. The second reason I'm in shock is that it made the local paper. Being stuck on the back of Section B was more than I'd expected from The World Company, which owns all the media into my home town. I figured their staunchly Conservative Replublican "balance" would figure out how to avoid printing this article. Yes, I have strongly held opinions!

Working to build stronger relationships with LI members by making personal contact with them. It takes a lot of time, but ultimately offers greater understanding and opportunities.

Made a few membership-related calls. Definitely need to build that ROI picture, as feedback contiues to suggest that is the key to attracting members.

Started preparing for LI member meeting next week. Reporting on Website redesign team progress and preparing to circulate initial draft of member survey. Also, presenting information about what LI has spent during the last year for members to review.

Completed second draft of LI member survey for review by Survey Team.

grrrr... spent time going over the new LI voting software project specifications yesterday and sent a (reasonably) intelligent response yesterday. Then found out this morning that my response was not complete due to some technical error (presumably on my part). Had to re-create the response from memory, so of course it's not as complete as I'd like it to be.

Spent the rest of the morning reviewing a lengthy document for the SAGE cert program in preparation for a noon meeting.

After the meeting, began preparing for a 2pm meeting but she never called as expected, so I put my thoughts into an email and sent that to her.

Got good feedback on my LI member updates. Those positive reinforcements are never expected but always appreciated.

Unexpectedly, one of my session presenters for Comdex bowed out, so I sent a note to the LI membership re: filling the hole. Got several responses and followed up on them, but haven't finalized a plan, as I have two viable options on the general topic and I need to talk with both presenters.

Sent another mini-update on what we've been up to along to the membership.

Updated my database with info provided by Thomas on the current membership status. I'm concerned that some members (due to turnover) may not have a rep subscribed to the LI member list. Need to check that out.

Combed thru the voting software project and gave feedback to the project manager. It's taking a good shape and looks like a nice functionality will be there.

Chatted with maddog about a few details, meetings, and issues.

Sent LI logo to all subscribers of LI member lists, encouraging them to use it in their literature and on their websites.

Attended the LPI staff call. Lots of exciting things happening there. I miss being in the middle of it, but it's so nice to have only one job.

Got a paypal account now. It's marketing@li.org. Now I need to make sure Linux users are aware of it and can make personal donations if they are so inclined.

Interesting stats from Europe to process... I want to do that soon.

Spent much time on a membership survey. The team working on it is fantastic, and has had lots of excellent input. FInally finished the first draft at 10:30 tonight and now I'm off to bed. Have to get up early tommorrow to move all the appliances out of my kitchen and put in new flooring. Joy...

Just plain forgot to post yesterday! Spent much of the day following up from emails I sent last week inviting companies with Linux related products or services to join LI. We're always looking for new members who can join us in our efforts to promote Linux use worldwide. Had another meeting with the website redesing team, which appears to be moving forward nicely. Started the ball rolling for making some announcements to the LI membership about what's been happening behind the scenes. That will happen at the LI member meeting in Las Vegas during Comdex. The meeting is sponsored by Key3Media, and breakfast will be available by reservation only.

Today, contacted the LI treasurer to get a paypal account set up so that LI can accept international donations if anyone feels compelled to make one. Spent some time with a consultant who specializes in channel development. He's proposing a program that will allow LI to help build a reseller channel for Linux product and service companies. By working with LI, it could create a large enough mass of vendors to create some interesting options....

Sent a note to the pre-registered media attending ALS, telling them maddog will be doing a BOF session on Wednesday titled "What is LI, anyway?"

Set up some details regarding the Linux Information stand at Comdex and the meetings there. Made some membership related calls, sent membership emails. Set up the background for the survey team to get started. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Tried to get my email in-box caught up. That's such a chore.. it's like Laundry.. as soon as I get one message out, three more come in!

Lots happening at LI.

- Our friends at SSC (publisher of Linux Journal) are working closely with us to create some additional awareness (in addition to the monthly ads they are running for us).

- Linux Magazine has generously donated a full page to LI in their December issue! This allows us to reach a broader audience with our new "Remember When" ad campaign, and we are excited to be working with them.

- "Electric" Bill Pridgen has been nothing short of amazing in his speedy, responsive work to build and expand the Linux awareness campaigns and the LI membership drive materials. His professionalism and dedication to LI and Linux are clearly demonstrated in his quality work, and we are very grateful to have his support.

- The LI website redesign team is working to revitalize and refresh our website. (Set meeting agenda for tommorrow)

- LI continues to be contacted by media representatives around the world seeking information about the Linux industry. Despite the lackluster performance of technology on the financial markets (and maybe *because* of that), users are adopting Linux now more than ever. This is a great (if sometimes painful) time to be a part of the Linux industry.

- Three more LI member survey team members are still needed.

- I'm getting LI set up with a paypal account, in order to make it feasible for people to make donations from anywhere in the world.

Yesterday, I spent the day with LWN's Commerce page. It's interesting, because Jonathan Corbet says that is about the most unpopular page they have, but I cannot imagine life without it. It is there that I find out what has been happening with all the LI members each week, and learn what the large companies are doing to come into the Linux space.. This information is invaluable to me, and I told Jonathan as much!

Also got my new issue of the "Journal of International Marketing", helped a LUG connect with a vendor, Sent 21 invitations to companies who might be candidates to join LI and followed up with 3 who didn't respond to last weeks' invitations...

Today, I spent the day catching up my LI email. It is amazing how quickly that falls behind!

Sent a couple more LI membership invites, and a quick update on what has been happening with the marketing stuff to the members.

Got LPI set up for LISA. Should be a fun show. I'll probably be there working in either/all of the LI/LPI/SAGE booths!

Worked out the details for LI's website redesign team meeting yesterday. Our first meeting was held this morning, and we spent the time mostly just brainstorming on ideas for ways the LI website could best serve the three targets it is intended to serve: Linux vendors (with focus on members of LI); Developers; and current/potential Linux users.

Any and all ideas for how LI might best serve these folks are always welcome. Please email me if you have thoughts (Ok, thoughts about how the LI website can best serve these targets).

Finally got thru to Bill Sell, and the member meeting, an additional meeting,and membership issues are hopefully now able to progress. Was VERY impressed by how thoroughly they are taking security at Comdex this year. Wow.

Working with international print and online information publishers to build partnerships to promote Linux use and recruit potential LI members. Know of any really good media that you have a great respect for (particularly OUTSIDE of the US)? Let me know. I want to be working with the best.

Creating a new ad campaign with a focused theme which should be fun and effective for recruiting new and renewal LI members. On a personal level, It's been very tough for me to give up responsiblities at LPI. I think LPI is a critical part of the growth of Linux in the future, and want to see it succeed. There is some truly excellent work being done, and with a highly ethical group of people running the show, it is experiencing agressive growth and success.

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