Older blog entries for Iain (starting at number 286)

17 Nov 2000 (updated 17 Nov 2000 at 00:54 UTC) »

<person>E-Hackers</person>: Sorry, when I said "E Hackers" I was including users/testers/documenters as they always say they are as important...blah blah blah. But still, I think some of the main developers have attitude problems too.

<blink>WARNING: POLITICALLY INCORRECT SPEECH FOLLOWS. Advogato nor Iain take any responsibility for offense caused. You have been warned</blink>

The Daily Express today had a headline "Free Fruit For School Pupils" and underneath had a large photo of a grinning Elton John. I found it funny. But apparently the two things were completely unrelated. Hoohum

I watched TV tonight and finally was offended and disgusted by one thing. MTV Europe giving Serbia an award for "Free Thinking" because they had a revolution to overthrow a dictator. Quite frankly I was sickened. I bet the Serbians who died's families (what a lot of plurals:) are thinking "Oh well, it was worth it all now, we've got an MTV:Europe Music Award for Free Thinking". And to top it all, after showing pictures of the "revolution", Wyclef Jean came on and said something to the effect of "See, those are the real revolutionaries, not these people you see on TV. You should all be thinking for yourselves.". Fuck off MTV!

You will not be able to stay home brother
you will not be able to plug in, turn on and drop out
you will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip
skip out for beer during commercials
Because the revolution will not be televised
the revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox
in 4 parts without commercial interruption
The revolution will not show you pictures of Nixon
blowing a bugle and leading a charge by John
Mitchell, General Abrams and Spiro Agnew to eat
hog maws confiscated from a Harlem sanctuary
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be brought to you by the
Schaefer Award Theatre and will not star Natalie
Wood and Steve McQueen or Bullwinkle and Julia
The revolution will not give your mouth sex appeal
The revolution will not get rid of the nubs
The revolution will not make you look five pounds
thinner because The revolution will not be televised brother
There will be no pictures of you and Willie Mays
pushing that cart down the block on the dead run
or trying to slide that color television into a stolen ambulance
NBC will not be able to predict the winner at 8:32
or the count from 29 districts
The revolution will not be televised
There will be no pictures of pigs shooting down
brothers in the instant replay
There will be no pictures of young being
run out of Harlem on a rail with a brand new process
there will be no slow motion or still life of Roy
Wilkens strolling through Watts in a red, black and
green liberation jumpsuit that he had been saving
for just the right occasion
Green Acres, The Beverly Hillbillies and Hooterville
Junction will no longer be so damned relevant and
women will not care if Dick finally gets down with
Jane on Search for Tomorrow because black people
will be in the street looking for a brighter day
The revolution will not be televised
there will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock
news and no pictures of hairy armed women
liberationists and Jackie Onassis blowing her nose
The theme song will not be written by Jim Webb,
Francis Scott Key nor sung by Glen Campbell, Tom
Jones, Johnny Cash, Engelbert Humperdinck or The Rare Earth
The revolution will not be televised
The revolution will not be right back after a message
about a white tornado, white lightning, or white people
You will not have to worry about a germ in your
bedroom, the tiger in your tank, or the giant in your toilet bowl
The revolution will not go better with Coke
The revolution will not fight germs that can cause bad breath
The revolution WILL put you in the driver's seat
The revolution will not be televised, will not be televised will not be televised
The revolution will be no re-run brothers
The revolution will be live!

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Gil Scott Heron (1975)

Pity that the chances are, the revolution won't just be televised, it'll be televised, serialised, re-run, made into a movie, sold as a novel, a LTD edition widescreen digitally remastered (with extra footage not seen before) video in a gold box, and a soundtrack album featuring "Revolutionary" songs such as "Wannabe", "Because I Want To" and "I Did It My Way" and sold on Think Shit with a Penguin superimposed over the top.

Or just maybe, they really will miss it. . .

W . A . S . T . E .

mazeone: I wasn't asking for support, I was asking where you could download it, as I wanted to compare it and my semi-working copy of Nautilus, especially as Evas had impressed me so much.

But hey, it reminded me why I left #e in the first place. E hackers have a really bad/elitest attitude. And yes, it is worse than other large channels.

So do you know anywhere to download it? Someone must have a tarball somewhere :)

I went to see Low tonight.

I'd like to say they rocked, but they didn't so much rock as pleased. They were really good, if minimal. They had one guitar, one effects pedal, one bass guitar, one cymbal, one snare drum, and one of the big round ones that sits beside the bass drum if there was a bass drum (which there wasn't). They played for about 70minutes, apologised for the cost of the ticket (8pounds: Very cheap), and played lovely songs

Glad I went

Other News:

Went looking for EFM. Apparently it never existed, and it was all a figment of people's imagination. Lesson of the day: People in #E are not very nice. I vaguely remembered this lesson from when I used to hang out there, but I had forgotten it, or hoped that maybe they had changed. Naivity rules.



Okay, somewhere along the lines the blue turned into purple. Apparently I am now a Master. Why? It's puzzling me.

Started to rewrite that "lovely" interface cos Mr Meeks told me it sucked and was too complicated (internally). Basically, I think it's problem was it was trying to rewrite a whole load of stuff that Bonobo already has, and it was doing it poorly. Michael also showed me what it should be done like, and he's right. It is a lot simpler to use the pre-written stuff Bonobo has. Although I think some of the simplicity has been removed from writing a summary module (I hate calling them services, cos thats so generic).

Tuned my guitar to GABDEG to learn to play some Sonic Youth stuff. Started with Teen Age Riot. Pretty easy, and a nice song.

Inspired by Teen Age Riot, I decided to download some Atari Teenage Riot. :) Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rawk! Pretty good. Have to buy a CD sometime.

The music companies have heard of my "No CDs till Christmas/December" plan, so they're releasing a whole load of good stuff: Lo Fidelity Allstars, . . .Trail of Dead, and other stuff that I've forgotten. Bastards.

And still I can't find John Kettley is a Weatherman on Napster. *sigh*

Should probably go to bed now. . . Can't think of anything else.

W . A . S . T . E .

I wanted to know the exact dimensions of Hell

Libwvdial is coming along nicely. I've got most of the wvdialer class wrapped, execpt for the parts that need other classes wrapped, and wvdial-c.c now does the same stuff as wvdial.cc, execpt it crashes on auto-reconnect (for some unknown reason. . . must investigate), and it doesn't do the logging nicely or handle options. Hey, it's pretty good for the amount of time I've spent on it.

Found libmpeg3. Which looks much better than smpeg, partly because it's in C :) and partly because it doesn't have the SDL limitation. It doesn't have any output renderer, but I might use it in my Nautilus MPEG player. It also handles mpg files, so maybe it could be used in the MPG player nautilus has as well. . . *shrug*

Learned an important lesson today: Commit big changes before Michael Meeks changes all IDL method names. :)

Even though I made it months ago, I've finally updated and uploaded my CD list. Look at it if you're bored and laugh at all the really bad CDs I bought before I got musical taste.

Oh, it doesn't have Kid A on it yet. Oppps.

My panel has decided to stick itself in the middle of my screen, and I've got too many things happening to try to fix it. and I have a scary feeling that Sawmill is going to remember the position it was at and put it there everytime. ARGH!

W . A . S . T . E .

9 Nov 2000 (updated 11 Nov 2000 at 03:58 UTC) »

Life is in the mix; cut it up

For some strange reason I learned to play "Time of Your Life" by Greenday. I don't even like Greenday, although Time of Your Life is alright.

The Godspeed You Black Emporer! list isn't as bad as the RHML, but it's still quite bad. They keep meantioning an FTP site that you can download loads of bootlegs but I can't find it. ARGH! I can't ask as I'll look like a clueless newbie (which I am. . . but hey).

Got Xen Cuts back. Still pretty cool.

Slept till 1:30pm today. Really really shouldn't have. But it was the fact that I was up for about 21hours yesterday and got up at 7am again today. So hopefully I'm all slept out and can get up at a reasonable time tomorrow.

Room is still tidy. I need to find some Christmas lights to hang around the place. Just for ambiance and stuff.

Now for bed.

W . A . S . T . E .


In a strange mood I signed up for a GBYE! mailing list. Maybe, just maybe it won't end up like the Radiohead one with me screaming at stupid Americans who just refused to even go anywhere near the point of what anyone else said. And maybe there won't be 100teenyboppers who decided to be "different" and support an "indie" band, and then proceeded to claim they wanted Thom's babies.

Libwvdial.so works! I am currently connected using my amazing 4 line C program.

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
WVDial *dial = wv_dial_new ("/etc/wvdial.conf", 0600, FALSE);
wv_dial_dial (dial);
while (1){ wv_dial_select (dial, 100, -1, -1, -1);
wv_dial_execute (dial);	}

Kick ass! Maybe I'll get round to wrapping other things, so that it can do the proper logging and stuff. (But I'll do that when I come up against things that need it. Muhahahaha global takeover here I come!)

Tomorrow is Monday, means everything starts all over again.

I've got a free house Wednesday (I had to correct how I spelled that. . .), Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon, so if anyone wants to come round, you're welcome. Although I'll be out Wednesday (Got it first time this time. . .) night, and Thursday night.

Have decided that I'm not going to buy anymore CDs till at least December.

Eep. Typing in mozilla makes the scrolling title on my xmms all jerky. Something wrong with that surely.

Leg thing is still driving me crazy.

W . A . S . T . E .

Tju Tju!

I got a spinny chair. Wheeeee. No more garden furniture for me to work on and get bad back ache. No! I have a comfy chair :D

Went to Belfast again to get a guitar peg. 49p it cost. So to make the trip worth while, I got CDs. (Bet you knew that was coming . . .)I was going to get a Hole album but they were 16quid, and I don't spend 16quid on an album, unless it's special. So instead I bought Sigur Ros (Agaetis Byrjum) and Low (One More Reason To Forget).

Sigur Ros is very pretty, but there's not one English word on the inlay, or any of the songs, so I have no idea what they're singing about. Sounds nice all the same, and the guitar with violin bow works really well.

Had a huge game of hunts in the church after yoof club. Kicked ass, about 30 of us running around. For the final game, because I'd helped so many people into their hiding places, I had no time to hide, so I stood on a chair in a dark corner. It still took them about 10minutes to find me, even with the number of people who walked right past me.

Working on fun Bonobo stuff, and I think I've managed to wrap the wvdial.a into a shared library in C, so the wvdial program can be a 4 line C program. Not tested it yet, because I can't be bothered to play with autoconf and automake.

There's a thing on my leg, it's been there for about 11months now. And I'm trying so hard not to scratch it so it will go away. But it's itching SOOOOOO much. I will falter and scratch it before tomorrow morning. And it will have won. Bollocks.

W . A . S . T . E .

We are living in a material world, and I am a material girl

At Genesis tonight, I managed to watch MTV2. And they played a song I kinda liked, but didn't know who it was by. Turns out it was Celebrity Skin by Hole. So I'm going to have to buy a Hole album sometime soon.

Started to wrap the WVDial static library into a C shared library. I think I've wrapped enough of it to rewrite the wvdial program in C. I shall test this theory out when I am not so tired.

Dunno why I'm tired.

Snow Patrol are playing on Sunday, but I dunno if I'll go. Don't like going out on Sunday: Day of rest and all that. And plus my parents have to go to bed early, cos of work. So if I come in late, my floor will squeak and they'll be woken up, and I'll feel bad. So I'll have to think about it.

Mistletoe and Wine

Then Low are here on 15th, JJ72 on 2nd December, and At The Drive-In on 9th December. Lots of fun bands coming. Woohoo.

Also should get a Low album if I'm going to see them. And some Sigur Ros. And loads of other stuff is coming out too.

W . A . S . T . E .

Dear sir, I have a complaint

eliot: Ah, mystery solved. It shouldn't be "The Pixies", it should be "The Posies". The other two people named in the radio announcer thing are the guitarist and drummer from the Posies, so it's a sort of semi cover by them I guess. Although you missed the best bit. . . Thom Yorke singing Wonderwall by Oasis really badly :).

Yeah, just call me Radiohead geekboy. But not in public.

W . A . S . T . E .

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