Recent blog entries for Didel

17 Jan 2004 (updated 17 Jan 2004 at 10:09 UTC) »

Now a 22 year old college student at NC State University doing well. Stunned everyone and went for a Politcal Science degree rather that Computer Science everyone (including me) assumed I would get, but that was not to be. I could not see myself working with computers everyday. I wouldn't recommend PoliSci as a degree for anyone though, I see the whole school in which the Poltical Science department is located as just a dumping ground for the failed engineers among us. I'm now trying to find some info about the beginning of certain moo controversies and the failed plan of moo democracy. To quote our illustrious leader, "it failed as a democracy because no one cared. :)" and I'd have to agree with him, he was dead on.

Not that much has changed though in the past few years though, still not a good bassist, don't keep up with technology as much now, but still hating school. Some things never change. But I lost some friends, gained a few Music is a constant, and so is reading, unfortunately I don't have as much time up here at State as I'd like to pursue music, or to just sit back and read whatever I want for a few hours. The last update was over 3 years ago. So yeah... Life m00ves on. Currently rereading Black Hawk Down, the school bookstore had it for some Political Science course, so I picked up a used copy as a I had lent a friend my original copy and never received it again. And yeah, you can call me Didel Castro. go p0ny.

25 Sep 2000 (updated 25 Sep 2000 at 22:15 UTC) »
Kuro5hin is back! Yay! Not much going on. Have about $3000 of engine parts for a car in my living room. My mom loves that. I am on a perpetual search for new music. What a quest.

Random: Memepool is great. Love Sinfest. FuckedCompany is great. And Suck is always insightful.

Ride Pony, Ride.

6 Sep 2000 (updated 6 Sep 2000 at 21:18 UTC) »

I am such a slacker, I know. Haven't updated in forever. consider this an update for the moment. Been learning Buzz. A very nice and _free_ software synth. Check it out. Today's Penny Arcade was an instant classic.

Latest Concerts attended: Metallica, Korn, Kid Rock, missed Powerman 5000, System of a Down, and Ozzfest (Static-X, Soulfly, Pantera, just to name a few bands there) due to stupidness.

Latest Books read: too many to name, but a short list follows. Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson (a great book), Do Androids Dream of Eletric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls, both by Ernest Hemingway, and I reread Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, and A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. I really like the way Stephenson writes, very fresh, very funny. Looking forward to reading The Diamond Age by him.

Been playing bass, living. later.

Not much happening, just kind of living. Felt like writing this very little bit.

I brought Bo, my cat, to the vet today and no heartworms were spotted, doesn't mean that they aren't there, just weren't seen, but still... I am now officially a happy camper. Bo still needs to be monitored, but things are looking good.

Came up with a good sound idea, I hate recording it on tape. A pain in the ass to record, and a pain to get it to sound half way decent. I really need to spend some money on a decent computer all-in-one sound get up. stupid money.

I went to Radio Shack today for a 330K resistor (see below for details), and I had to by 8 dollars worth of resistors to get one. 8 bucks of resistors is a bunch of resistors. Too damn many resistors, but I will finish the synth. Now just need a decent keyboard for MIDI to get it to play. I could use my computer, but I want something to bang on. I have this thing for physical control. I'm embarassed to admit this but one of the reasons I choose the fatman was because of all the cool knobs. heh. I am weird.

We had a false Soulfly sighting (the person, not the band.) Thought he was back in town from his school, turns out his brother is, but he is not. He has a cool recording setup, and he's a really good friend. The only thing bad about him is that he uses FreeBSD instead of linux. ;) Mission Impossible 2 comes out today. Friends want to see it Friday, but Method 51 is playing (a good Charlotte Band, sortof Rageish) at tremount then. decesions. desceions. (sic) Long post.

Oh yeah, It's time for a change.

Have to take my cat, Bo, to the vet Tuesday to check for heart worms, with some sort of scan. I am not a happy camper.

Nice storm just popped up. Not much to write about in my most exciting life. Brian, a friend, just got a nice little apartment not too far away. Schools out for the college boys, and a month for the high school people.

Been reading Suck lately, very nice commentary on the social events of today. is not registered, looks like I get it. Everything eBay doesn't allow for auction, I will. I'm not sure if providing this service is llegal or not. Only one way to find out.

The Fatman (see below), the 1/4" output jack is broke, need to go buy yet another part, but completion is nearing If I get off my butt, and go get these parts.

Discovered help desk today. It's like User Friendly, only funny!

Read Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie and Shane by Jack Shaefer a couple of days ago, good books.

What a boring life I live.

Wow. Went and saw Nine Inch Nails last night. Umm, Awesome. yes.

Worked on the Fatman, I could be done with it, but I need a 330K ohm resistor. ugh.

Got my mom a digital camera for mothers day, now I get to play with it. ;) time for stupid cat pictures.

Madness takes it's toll. Please have exact change.

5 days to go till Nine Inch Nails and A Perfect Circle hit Charlotte. Whoo hoo!

K5 is a really nice tech site.

After years of waiting (it seemed that way.) I finally received my PAiA Fatman Analog Synthesizer Kit, yay. Need to wake up during the day tomorrow to get a new soldering iron and some decent solder from the rat shack.

I like the word nob.

Got a Korg Elctribe EA-1 a few days ago, a cool little synth. A tad too dance oriented but I'm dedicated to making some nice music with it. I would recommend it as a cheap little first time synthesizer. In a couple of months I think I'll pick up it's brother, the ER-1, which is a more rythmic machine.

Picked up a cool quote today from Weird Al Yankovic.

"Jeremy McCarthy of Fairfield, CT asks: Hey Al!!!!! What do u think about Napster? I just want to know if you approve.

I have very mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I?m concerned that the rampant downloading of my copyright-protected material over the Internet is severely eating into my album sales and having a decidedly adverse effect on my career. On the other hand, I can get all the Metallica songs I want for FREE! WOW!!!!!"


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