20 Apr 2002 CEmery   » (Apprentice)

    Found out something interesting today. Code Follows

    >>> mdict = {}

    >>> mdict["name"] = "Chris Emery"

    >>> mdict["age"] = 21

    >>> import sys

    >>> sys.stdout.write("My name is %(name)s and I'm %(age)i years old.\n" % mdict)

    My name is Chris Emery and I'm 21 years old.

    Ok, so maybe nobody else is impressed, but I am. But then again I'm just starting to learn some of the interesting things you can do in Python...

    So, I've been working on pymud quite a bit, mainly updating it to be more in the style of python, and 2.2, which has some very very interesting features. Though mainly I'm getting my head out of 1.5, and into the 2.X series of python. The only thing I'm really starting to learn about is new style classes, which are very interesting. Some of the neat things you can do with pickling makes me happy.

    I really need to add mobs into it, and am having a bit of a hard time wrapping my brain about how I want to do it since my players are all threaded, those were easy, but I think I'm going to have to poll mobs, or at least poll areas, and have each area be a thread, though, that would probably be pretty messy.

    I also need to learn about how the autoreloader that I'm using works, so that I can make it update threaded objects. Right now I have the problem of updating the player class, and then not being able to pickle anybody logged on...ooops

    Nothing exciting happening in my life, just basic living stuff *grins*. School is going ok, I'm going to do a speach on the basic layout of the internet, you know, basically, it's not all one big computer, that sort of thing. Nothing to exciting there.

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