Older blog entries for Burgundavia (starting at number 45)

9 Dec 2005 (updated 9 Dec 2005 at 06:55 UTC) »

Dear bloggers on Planet KDE

I am very sad. My bling quotient has sadly not been satisfied by Planet KDE recently. While I don't run KDE, I wish to learn about the cool (or is that kool?) new things you are working on. The buzz surrounding KDE 4 has even me excited, yet scarcely a screenshot can be had. KDE 3.5 just came out. Yet again, nary a screenshot can found on Planet KDE.

So please, just for me, can the world see the new KDE hotness?


Corey Burger

26 Nov 2005 (updated 26 Nov 2005 at 21:55 UTC) »
On Abiword and collaboration

Marc, you ask what you should concentrate on for being useful for the OLPC project? My answer to that would be full OpenDocument support and dropping the abiword-only file format. Every day you hold out means that MS gets to beat us with a stick about not many applications supporting it.

As for collaboration, I am pleased to see that Abiword is working on collaboration features. Thus in a short while, we will have three different implementations, Abiword's, Inkboard (now in Inkscape 0.43) and Gobby/libobby. My personal opinion is that the Jabber idea which Inkboard did is the sanest, but I might be wrong. All I really care about is that we don't run into 5 or 10 different directions.

Anyway, done ranting now.

Laptop Testing Team

The time is upon us again to test our laptops. Dapper Flight 1 has just been released. (You can get it here). In light of that, I have moved all laptops which do not appear to have been tested with the final release of Breezy to an new table on LaptopTestingTeam called Unmaintained. If your laptop is on this list, don't dispair. Simply test Breezy and Flight 1, update your wiki page and then move the row entry back to the 2nd table.

What if you held an installfest...

...and only one person came? Happily, 100% of the computers that people brought to have Linux installed on them got Ubuntu. And the guy brought his own Ubuntu amd64 disk, thanks to Shipit.

Sad but true

Ok, I just about pissed myself laughing at this.

10 Nov 2005 (updated 10 Nov 2005 at 07:03 UTC) »

Revisiting the menus for Dapper

While at UBZ we had a good discussion about the various applications in the menu and what, if anything, we should do about each and every one of them. This generated the MenusRevisted spec, which is going to be pushed into dapper very soon now. Now this spec makes a few changes that some might disagree with. In light of that, please go read the spec and make comments. We need that feedback to make Dapper rock!

Playing with the big kids

Seems nobody else has blogged about this yet. Ubuntu has been certified on DB2 ready by IBM. As announced to the world by Sivan Green and the wonderful Jane Silber in these two ubuntu-devel posts:

I leave it to you to guess who wrote which one... ;)

Home from UBZ

I am home from UBZ. I had an absolutely amazing time. Thanks to Mark and Canonical for shipping me there. More later.

There is no I in Canada, but there is an I in America.

File opener, round 2

As per usual, I am wrong about the technical side of things. Dom sets me straight:

"Burgundavia , the Gimp and Inkscape use the standard GTK+ filechooser widget. The widget can be extended to have a preview. What the Gimp doesn't do is use GnomeVfs, so only your local file system is browsable."

I would wager that they don't use gnomevfs for cross-platform portablity, but I may be wrong (again). Hey, what do I know, I just curse at^Wuse the bloody program.

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