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Older blog entries for Bram (starting at number 119)

Airport 'Security'

I'm apparently on the always-harass list. After getting searched before going onto airplanes so many times, I've learned a bit about the procedures involved. When flying on Alaska/Horizon, if you're marked to be searched your boarding pass says SSSS in the lower-right corner. Conveniently, you get your boarding pass before going through security. This is presumably so that any would-be hijacker can see that they're going to be searched thoroughly and drop off all their weapons before trying to get on the plane, to avoid all that trouble that catching and detaining them would cause.

My last flight I happened to be sitting next to a pilot deadheading back. He confirmed that security searches pilots too. Whoever designed current airport security procedures might have a reasonable excuse for this ineptitude though. For example, they might still be in kindergarten.

The SSSS mark has a 2d bar code above it. I wonder if anyone has ever collected a bunch of those and decoded them.


There's rumor of a sha-1 break, related to a very confirmed break of sha-0. Fortunately the breaks are unlikely to lead to the construction of pre-images, so there's no need to panic just yet, even if the rumors prove true.

Which leads to the question, what should we do? First of all, there's no need to change algorithms just yet, although anyone designing a protocol might want to hold off a few months unless time isn't of the essense (and in software everything is always late, so it rarely is). With a hash length of 160 bits, and thus birthday attacks in 80 bits, sha-1 is due to expire in roughly two decades no matter what, so we should seriously consider using a hash function with a longer output. AES-128, which with a key and block size of 128 bits could easily survive past when moore's law runs out of gas.

Whatever happens, it would be a disaster for a multiplicity of hash functions to win out, since that would result in profound incompatibility. So the choice of successor to sha-1 shouldn't be taken lightly.

The clear political favorite is sha-256, which is unrelated to sha-1 in structure and hence not susceptible to the most recent attacks, and also has a 256 bit output to match aes's 128 bit key length. My only real complaint about sha-256 is that it's a different (and much less studied) cryptographic primitive than aes, thus providing two points of attack to our cryptographic systems rather than one. I would much prefer a hash function which is based on aes, such as whirlpool. Unfortunately whirlpool has a 512 bit output and about the performance of sha-512, at least on 32-bit systems. If there was a standardized aes-based hash which had an output of 256 bits and about the performance of sha-256 I'd recommend it unhesitatingly, but with the way things are now I'm torn.

If I had to put even money on it I'd bet on sha-256 winning, since that one already has considerable political oomph behind it, and noone has complained about potential weaknesses in it, and everybody agrees on the importance of a single standard.

Python Exception Assertions

I would like to be able to state in my Python code 'assert than exception spam would get caught somewhere in the current call stack by something other than a catch of general exception'. There are many bugs which this would catch easily which are very difficult to search for comprehensively using test code, and have caused me great pain in the past and probably will continue to do so in the future.

I mentioned this to Guido and he pointed out that the expressions stating what is to be caught aren't evaluated until an exception is actually thrown. This interesting piece of trivia indicates that the expressions would have to be evaluated at the time the assertion is made, which could be a little slow, but that doesn't invalidate the utility of the functionality I want.

Guido indicated that, although he doesn't disagree with the functionality I want, it would require a significant change to the Python VM which he doesn't expect anyone to be interested in doing. So if you want a Python core project which is technically challenging and, in my humble opinion, clearly very benificial I suggest adding this functionality. If you do, I will be eternally grateful.


After playing around with the hex code I gave in my last entry, I think I can finally explain some opening theory.

The first question is, if your first piece is in the center, why is it weak to put your second piece near it? The answer is somewhat indirect. If there were other pieces randomly scattered around the board, a piece close to the central one would be very powerful, but at the beginning of the game there are very few pieces around, so you have to think specifically about the pieces in play. When your opponent responds to your strong central move, he will do so in a place away from where you moved, and since your board coverage is poor from being so focused on one point, his move will be relatively strong. By spreading out your moves you prevent that.

So the second centralized move isn't weak, it's just that the responses it allows are strong. A very surprising thing about this observation is that it's made straightforwardly by increasing the ply of look-ahead, in fact 2 ply sees it just fine. I always assumed that the beginning of a hex game is very strategic and that increasing ply look-ahead wouldn't improve play any, since that's reserved for 'tactical' situations. Apparently that guess was completely wrong, but I still think that increasing ply doesn't improve play unless your board evaluation function isn't a piece of garbage, which I didn't have until now.

The second question is, why do the best hex players now play pieces so far away from the center for their opening move? The answer is related to the answer to the first question - if you place your first piece in the center, then any strong place to put your second piece will probably be close to it, which will be weak for the reason I gave above. I believe this would be seen by a four-ply look-ahead. Again, my guess that increasing the ply of a board evaluation function was completely off base.

So now at least I have an explanation of why early hex moves are the way they are, although I suspect I'll have a lot of difficulty applying this knowledge to make my play better.

Hex is the only game I know of where hypermodern theory has become the dominant one.

A good place to play hex is kurnik.


I came up with a new and improved board shape for playing boom-boom on. Start with a checkerboard of odd side length, with the corners colored black and alternating squares colored white. Make the white squares part of the 'real' board, and connect each of them to the four (or in the case of edges, two) other white squares they share a corner with. Next connect each of the edge pieces with the two edge pieces closest to it, so for example (6, 1) connects to (8, 1) and (4, 1). (My terminology counts the corner as (1, 1) not (0, 0).) Then remove (2, 1) and (1, 2) and replace them with a single piece at (1, 1) which is connected to (4, 1), (3, 2), (2, 3) and (1, 4).

This board is probably most interesting to play go on, since it makes each node have exactly four neigbors, thus having the 'borderless' property of circular go boards without being so difficult to print.


One of the big problems with boom-boom is that after each explosion new pieces wind up being placed in fairly 'random' places, which make the play extremely tactical, with not much advanced planning possible. This can be eliminated by making it so that when a piece explodes a piece remains on the original exploding spot. Although that results in more pieces to the side which caused the explosion, it doesn't really incentivize pointless exploding because the new group tends to get captured as a unit. But you do wind up with a question of where excess pieces propogate to, so that a single explosion doesn't propogate forever. This also leads to the funky-shaped board becoming pointless, since it was designed to make explosions happen more quickly.

A few more logical steps along those lines results in the following game, which can be easily played using a standard othello set.

Both players alternate placing pieces of their color. On a player's turn they have the option, instead of placing a new piece, of capturing a piece of the opponent's which borders on one of their own (for the purposes of this game 'bordering on' means sharing an edge or corner). When a piece is captured all of the pieces of the same color which border it are captured recursively, thus a very large group can be captured at once. The game ends when one player occupies the entire board.

Note that if white has pieces on (3, 3) and (3, 5) and black has pieces on (3, 2), (3, 4) and (3, 6) then if white captures (3, 4) than does not result in either (3, 2) or (3, 6) getting captured, although it would if there were black pieces on (4, 3) and (4, 5).

I'm not sure off the top of my head how to approach even very simple endgames of this game. Further experimentation is required.


It turns out that my simplified poker was a bit too simplified. Chris Chang pointed out that since all-in bluffs are guaranteed to fail half the time, raising one is strictly superior to going all in. He suggests adding more cards to get rid of that problem. With the way people play these days that game would be just about as interesting as no hold 'em. (See that link for a good explanation of why no limit isn't really 'the cadillac of poker' and pot limit is better.)

Here's an interesting question: if you have a positive expectation bet, how much should you bet each successive round to make your money grow as quickly as possible? If you bet nothing you obviously get nothing, but if you bet everything you wind up with zero and lose out on the ability to make any money in later rounds. It turns out this is known as the Kelly Criterion.

There's computer security snake oil even in poker. This 'audit' just about made my head explode. An audit is when you go over the internals of a system and analyze that it works correctly. Running statistical tests on the output isn't an audit, it's just bullshit.

While trying to grok the rules to Razz I came up with the following game, which I think has most of the strategic elements of Razz but has a lot of the weirdness removed. I say 'I think' because Razz has a whole lot of weirdness and not having played it I have a hard time figuring out what that weirdness causes in practice.

Each player gets two pocket cards to start and community cards are dealt out as in hold 'em. The difference is in how hands are scored. Unlike in other forms of poker, the hands really are seven-carded. The hand with the highest card wins, with a tie-break of the second-highest card, then third, etc. Duplicate cards are completely ignored. For example, if player X has AQ and player Y has K3 and on the board is A5538 then X's full hand is AQ853 and Y's full hand is AK853, so Y wins. If two hands are identical except that one has an extra low card, then the one with more cards wins. For example, if player X has AQ and Y has A2 and on the board is Q9884 then X's hand is AQ984 and Y's hand is AQ9842, and since Y has the extra 2 Y wins. Having two extra cards of course also wins, and having a triplicate of a card causes both duplicates to be thrown out. As in Razz, flushes and straights don't count for anything.

I think there are a few things which make this an interesting game. A hand which contains two lower cards than another one pre-flop has only a low chance, I think about 7%, of winning, so trying to intimidate people by playing every hand will rapidly get you soaked. Also, knowledge gained after each face-up cards are dealt is directly related to the previous knowledge gained, increasing chances for reasoning what cards a player has based on their behavior. The chances of any particular card turning up on the board are reasonably high, so even if you start with a pocket ace there's almost a one in three chance that you'll find yourself playing garbage and having to figure out whether to bluff or fold.

Alarm Clock Display

I have a digital alarm clock with a seven-pin display which I've long noticed 'warbles' in funny ways when I brush my teeth with an electric toothbrush, due to the vibration it imparts on my head. I always attributed to the weird way different pins warble to odd cognitive phenomena, but the other night I noticed that it's always the pins on the top and right edges which warble as one group and the others warble as another, so now I wonder if there's something funny about the timing of it, for example maybe those three pins are offset by 1/120 of a second from the other four as they cycle on and off.

Monitors also warble when you bite into crunchy potato chips. It's highly amusing.


Based on the hex board evaluation ideas I gave earlier, I've written a hex playing program. I found giving it a two-ply look-ahead got rid of the tendency to play new moves right next to old moves.

This program plays position surprisingly well, but still has some very obvious weaknesses. For example, it doesn't realize that bridges are fully connected.

Clearly some sort of hexy/six-style feedback from tactical calculations into positional evaluation is necessary to make this program play better. I think my approach is quite a bit more inherently flexible about ways of doing that than the circuit resistance approach which hexy and six use.

To use this code, create a hex board of the size you want, then use x() and o() to place pieces, and to have the computer place a piece use moveo(). The computer only plays O, which is trying to connect the top and bottom. Runs of length 1000 work reasonably well.

Note that although a two-ply look-ahead is substantially better than a one-ply look-ahead, a chess-style three-ply look-ahead would be of dubious value. A better approach would be to make the results of the move/counter-move pairs influence which positions are generated in the fill-in process.

from random import randrange
from copy import deepcopy
def hexprint(myarray):
    for i in xrange(len(myarray)):
        print (' ' * (len(myarray) - 1 - i)) + ' '.join([str(myarray[x][i]) for x in xrange(len(myarray))])
class hexplayer:
    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size
        self.states = [['.' for i in xrange(self.size)] for j in xrange(self.size)]
    def o(self, x, y):
        assert self.states[x-1][y-1] == '.'
        self.states[x-1][y-1] = 'O'
    def x(self, x, y):
        assert self.states[x-1][y-1] == '.'
        self.states[x-1][y-1] = 'X'
    def findbest(self, values):
        best = -1
        bestx = None
        besty = None
        for i in xrange(self.size):
            for j in xrange(self.size):
                if values[i][j] > best and (self.states[i][j] == '.'):
                    best = values[i][j]
                    bestx = i
                    besty = j
        return (bestx, besty)
    def moveo(self, runs):
        values2 = [[-1 for i in xrange(self.size)] for j in xrange(self.size)]
        responses = [[None for i in xrange(self.size)] for j in xrange(self.size)]
        for i in xrange(self.size):
            for j in xrange(self.size):
                if self.states[i][j] == '.':
                    self.states[i][j] = 'O'
                    values, wonx = self.evaluate(runs)
                    bestx, besty = self.findbest(values)
                    assert self.states[bestx][besty] == '.'
                    responses[i][j] = (bestx, besty)
                    values2[i][j] = runs - wonx - values[bestx][besty]
                    self.states[i][j] = '.'
        bestx, besty = self.findbest(values2)
        self.states[bestx][besty] = 'O'
        print float(values2[bestx][besty]) / runs
        r1, r2 = responses[bestx][besty]
        print r1+1, r2+1
    def evaluate(self, runs):
        wonx = 0
        top = self.size - 1
        values = [[0 for i in xrange(self.size)] for j in xrange(self.size)]
        for run in xrange(runs):
            myvalues = deepcopy(self.states)
            for i in xrange(self.size):
                for j in xrange(self.size):
                    if myvalues[i][j] == '.':
                        myvalues[i][j] = ('X', 'O')[randrange(2)]
            visited = [[0 for i in xrange(self.size)] for j in xrange(self.size)]
            def neigbors(x, y):
                r = []
                if y > 0:
                    r.append((x, y-1))
                    if x > 0:
                if x > 0:
                    r.append((x-1, y))
                if x < top:
                    r.append((x+1, y))
                if y < top:
                    r.append((x, y+1))
                    if x < top:
                        r.append((x+1, y+1))
                return r
            remaining = [(0, i) for i in xrange(self.size)]
            while remaining:
                x, y = remaining.pop()
                if visited[x][y] != 0:
                if myvalues[x][y] != 'X':
                if x == top:
                    wonx += 1
                visited[x][y] = 1
                remaining.extend(neigbors(x, y))
                remaining = [(top, i) for i in xrange(self.size)]
                while remaining:
                    x, y = remaining.pop()
                    if visited[x][y] != 0:
                    if myvalues[x][y] != 'X':
                    visited[x][y] = 2
                    remaining.extend(neigbors(x, y))
                for i in xrange(self.size):
                    for j in xrange(self.size):
                        m = neigbors(i, j)
                        n = [visited[x][y] for (x, y) in m]
                        if (1 in n or i == 0) and (2 in n or i == top) and self.states[i][j] == '.':
                            values[i][j] += 1
        return values, wonx
I still have my domains

Thanks to everybody who mailed me translating the mail about my domains. A whole bunch of people translated it for me, and David Turner went so far as to call ovh and tell them about the apparent hijack attempt. And Joey DeVilla got in contact with James Woods at Tucows.

All the help turned out to be way more than needed. I probably could have ignored the original mail and not gotten my domains taken, since it required affirmative action on the part of one of the contacts listed, and for those two I was the only contact.

Right before posting here about my domains I mailed tech support at my registrar, domainmonger. A few minutes later I noticed the domain locking feature, and turned it on. Somewhere about that time I got mail from tech support at domainmonger saying that they'd locked all of my domains. I'm not sure whether they or I did it first.

Thanks everybody for your help, that was confidence-inspiring.

In answer to the obvious question 'Why didn't you just hit the site and say no?' First of all, the site was in french, which I only speak a few words of, and second of all, when I went to it it said that I needed to enter some code taken from my registrar. While that message was probably legit and there for security purposes, it set of an alarm bell in my head that the attempted transfer mail I got might have been a fake sent by a spammer in an attempt to get me to give them a confirmation code to steal my domain. So I didn't do it.

Cool Mechanical Stuff

Here , here and here you can find lots of explanations of cool mechanical things.

My own crackpot engine ideas

I've designed a piston replacement I call a 'steel lung'. It basically acts like a piston in that it contains a chamber which expands and contracts, but unlike a piston the shape of the chamber remains mostly spherical for the entire stroke, for much better surface area to volume ratio than found in conventional pistons. Of course this creates extra friction, although not an insane amount - the amount of 'seam' is only two or three times what you have in a piston. It also increases sealing problems, but again not as much as you'd expect. It can be configured so that the expansive forces push the moving pieces into each other rather than away from each other, and the sealed edges move outwards during combustion, so there isn't all that much force on them.

The big question, of course, is whether heat loss during combustion is significant enough to be worth reducing. I'd appreciate it if anyone has any knowledgeable opinion about this.

Another idea of mine is based on how the heat of the piston head is frequently a problem in car engines. How about if, rather than a conventional piston, we have a piston which is composed of several sliding pieces in such a way that the piston head is actually a sliding pieces whose exposed part is different with each ignition? That would cause the effective surface area of the piston head to be a lot larger, thus making it easier to keep cool. Again, I'd be interested in any knowledgeable opinions about whether this is a worthwile goal even in principle. I have a design for this, but it lacks elegance.

Finally, I have a question about the way in which motion is translated from reciprocating to rotational. It seems a little odd that real engines do this with a simple camshaft, since that has a very particular rate of movement at each point, and I have a hard time believing that it's optimal. There are plenty of only slightly more complicated mechanisms, many given in the links above, which can modify this with a lot of precision. Does the relative rate of movement of the piston at each point in the cycle not matter all that much, or is it simply not worth the extra complexity?

Buckminster Fuller was a crackpot

Buckminster Fuller's intended great invention was the dymaxion car, which was basically a stretch limo with one front wheel which always ran backwards. Its funding was pulled after a fatal crash.

You can read Fuller's excuse-making about the crash here. For those of you unfamiliar with the physics involved, I'll explain. The car turned left and, as is inevitable with a 20 foot long vehicle with real-wheel steering, its butt stuck out into the right lane. There happened to be a car there (Fuller claims it was 'rubbernecking', which is completely besides the point - this is a very common kind of accident which shouldn't cause a fatality). When the rear side of the dymaxion hit the other car, its single rear wheel got shoved hard into the ground, making it precess and forcing the turn to be even greater, quickly causing the car to get to such an angle that it rolled over.

The investors wisely decided to pull out after this, presumably because they wanted nothing to do with a company with such callous disregard for passenger safety, and that was the end of that. Fuller did spend a huge amount of his own money attempting to build more cars, but they never went anywhere, probably because the quality of his engineering ideas was about what you'd expect, which is to say, very poor.

When you look at Fuller's accomplishments, philosophy, and claims, they bear a notable resemblance to many internet pundits today.

Moller Skycar

Speaking of which, those of you who have heard of the Moller Skycar may wish to read this.

If you're interested in flying recreationally, I recommend powered paragliding.

Simplified Poker

When musing about poker, I came up with simplified version, which is close to as simple as you can get. Two players, three cards. Each player is dealt a single card. The higher card wins. After anteing up, each player can either fold, call, raise one, or go all-in. I suspect that this variant would actually be fairly interesting to play, since it involves going all-in (which I think makes complete mathematical analysis completely beyond the capabilities of current techniques) and the small number of cards make the contents of the other player's hand strongly related to the contents of your own.

An improved trust metric

I think I've figured out how to improve on the last batch of trust metric ideas I posted. In those, I had problems with everything certified by the 'root' looking like spam, and suggested some very kludgy ways of dealing with that problem.

A much better approach is to view spam guilt as 'leaking' out of the system, an extremely small amount from everywhere. I'll present a technique as an interative process, in which spam guilt gets back propogated with each round. After many rounds have been done, it will be clear that some nodes have their guilt score increasing without bound, while the rest will have their guilt scores stabilized. All nodes whose guilt surpasses some threshold are then removed (the number of rounds and threshold are obviously a judgement call, but generally more is better). The distinctions between directly vs. indirectly attacking nodes I posted about before are then made, and the decision of which nodes can mail is based on the result.

(At some point I'm going to post a consolidated form of my best trust metric to date, so people don't have to read a long series of posts and cull the non-obsolete snippets out of them to figure out what's going on. In the mean time, I apologize for the vague references to stuff I've posted about before, and please bear with me.)

First, we have some value for how much spam each node is allowed to send before getting cut off, which we set by judgment call. A hundred pieces sounds reasonable, so I'll use that for the sake of argument. Next, we calculate how much 'leak' each node is, which we can reasonably set to 3 * (total amount of spam ever sent) / (total number of nodes). The number 3 can obviously be varied, but that's a good value.

On each round, we add spam score to direct infringers, back-propogate spam scores and then leak spam scores. We add spam scores for each direct infringer simply by adding the amount they've spammed to their score. To back-propogate, we iterate over each node, and for each of them we find the minimum spam score of it and any of the nodes which certified it, and transfer 100 to that node. If the node in question's spam score is less than 100, we transfer that amount. To leak, we reduce the spam score of each node by the leakage amount, and round up to zero.

I'm quite happy with this algorithm. It's essentially linear time, and I can straightfaced say that it's both secure and practical.


bgeiger: If one were to select a game to be the single canonical abstract strategy game which people the world over knew how to play, having draws would be a complete disqualification. Go has no draws if you use a super-ko rule and non-integer komi, but there are many modern board games which meet that criterion as well, for example Amazons.


Enough blogging for one sitting. More later.

Somebody trying to steal my domains

I just got the following mail. It looks like somebody's trying to steal some of my domains. Anyone got any suggestions for what I should do? From the rough translation babelfish does, it looks like it's saying that if I do nothing then the transfer will go through by default, which sounds too fucked up to be true, but hey, this is the domain name system we're talking about. This is also right after I told a couple jackasses who made offers for to take a hike.

To: bram[at]
Subject: [TRANSFERT]

140, quai du Sartel
Tel : 0 899 701 761
Fax : 03 20 20 09 58
Email :

Objet : Demande d'acception ou refus de transfert
Vos Ref :

Roubaix, 2004-07-19 16:29:42

Madame, Monsieur,

Nous avons reçu une demande de changement de registrar pour le nom
de domaine et vous êtes l'un des contacts actuels de ce

| CONTACT: bram[at]
| CONTACT: bram[at]

Si vous acceptez le transfert du domaine, l'enregistrement
sera suivant:


Pour accepter ou refuser ce transfert, merci de cliquer sur
ce lien:[stuff]

Si vous NE repondez PAS dans les 5 jours ET si AU MOINS un autre contact
ACCEPTE le transfert, le transfert sera effectué.

Si aucun contact ne répond, le transfert échouera.

si vous n'êtes pas indiqué ci-dessus comme contact pour ce domaine, vous
pouvez perdre tout privilège sur ce domaine. N'acceptez ce transfert que
si vous êtes sûr d'en avoir compris les implications.

Ce transfert a déjà été payé.

Pour toute information complementaire, contactez-nous :
Merci de votre confiance.

Le Service Client OVH

I got another one for as well.


Computer chess programs have gotten very good. Not only in terms of raw computational power, but the very best have improved their play a lot. Deep Junior in particular has a very aggressive attacking style. Consider for example this game, played as black, which involves seemingly almost accidentally sacrificing two pawns so that a knight can take a liesurely stroll across the board to the opponent's king. Unlike many of the celebrated human attacks, this is done against Diep, a no-slouch computer competitor which placed third in the tournament. Many famous chess games turn out to have had extremely bad play by the losing side, with the celebrated attack being unfortunately unsound. With Diep as the opponent, it's doubtful that any simple or even not so simple tactics were overlooked.

Hopefully this newfound attacking ability will make there be not so many goddamn draws in high-level chess. The long-feared draw death has been essentially happening at the highest levels of human competition, and the way computers were able to defend much better than they could attack probably exacerbated the problem a lot.

Board evaluation in hex

I came up with an interesting heuristic for playing hex the other day. We will compute a score for all remaining cells, and move on the cell with the highest score. To compute scores, we will conduct several million independant random trial runs, each of which increase the scores of some cells. On each trial run, randomly place the remaining pieces in unoccupied cells. If you win, throw the run out. If the opponent wins, find each cell owned by the opponent for which the winner would be changed if that single cell were converted to your side, and increase the score of each of those cells by one.

One bad aspect of this algorithm is that it will play randomly when one side or the other has a near lock, since all scores will be zero. That could be fixed by changing the number of remaining cells owned by the opponent, to produce 'optimistic' or 'pessimistic' play. Comparisons of optimistic vs. pessimistic evaluations of about equal positions would be interesting.

The stochastic nature of this algorithm might superficially seem quite ludicrous and computationally wasteful. Ironically, all that CPU-eating is quite refreshing. We have unbelievable quantities of CPU, but when one tries to throw it at hex the same way one throws it at chess, the cycles simply disappear down a black hole.

I'm optimistic that this heuristic will do well. Clearly experimentation is needed.

Interestingly, this algorithm bears a strong resemblance to some trust metric ones I've suggested before. I think that's because hex sort of is like a trust metric - one side is trying to get two sides of the board to trust each other, and the other side is trying to keep that from happening.

60 cycle per second trailers

I noticed an interesting phenomenon in my bathroom the other night. The light on my toothbrush is very small, and cycle at 60 cycles per second (or maybe 120, I'm not sure), and, due to the way human eyes work, when the room is a completely dark leaves a very brief afterglow. As a result, when your eye scans over it a distinct trail appears for a split second. The distribution of the dots is interesting. Some acceleration is visible with the dots at the beginning being closer together, but the eye movement appears to stop pretty much instantaneously.

Financial Hijinx

For a while after I started work on BitTorrent I had no job and lived off savings. Eventually the savings ran out and I started living off of credit cards (don't worry, they're all paid off now).

Living off credit cards is an interesting experience. To do it for a while, you have to keep getting ever larger amounts of credit while keeping your interest rate low. Fortunately credit cards offer low introductory rates, frequently 0%, especially when you take out money on them as a balance transfer from another card. They particularly like doing this for people who have a history of paying off credit cards. For example, people who have been paying off cards completely by transferring to other cards when they get an introductory rate. Yes, this is completely gameable and insane, but it's also standard practice.

When undertaking to get credit cards, it's important to have as few inquiries in your credit as possible. Credit granting formulas are quite arbitrary and erratic, so to keep people from simply applying for credit until they get it, the credit agencies keep records of when you apply for credit and count that heavily against you later on. The types of inquiries aren't differentiated, so for example getting a cell phone counts against for getting a mortgage. Yes, this is also completely insane. To avoid having dings against your credit, it's a good idea to do as little applying for credit as possible. You can keep credit cards from seeing each others's applications by letting 'pre-approved' applications pile up for a while, then sending them all out on the same day.

If you have a very old collections for a very small amount of money and pay it off the payoff counts as 'recent collections activity', so if you need to get some credit in the near future you should hold off on paying it. This policy goes beyond insane into completely nuts, but it continues to be the case.

Once a very low rate on one card is about to run out you should, of course, transfer the balance completely over to another card. It's a good idea to do this later rather than sooner because there's frequently a fee for doing a balance transfer. It's always a good idea when given a new offer of a low rate to call and ask what they can offer you, because the people on the phone can frequently offer you a lower rate and waive balance transfer fees.

Some financial institutions let you transfer money into and out of your credit line via online banking without getting a cash advance charge. You should of course use this if you have it. Making a minimum payment this way is fairly amusing - you transfer money out of the credit card, transfer it back in, and presto, your minimum payment has been made.


Studies of interviews yield a very discouraging result. Interviews are practically worthless for screening candidates. In an interview you can tell if a person is a pleasant conversationalist, and you can give some technical questions to rule out the truly inept, but beyond that you might as well be rolling dice. This is counterintuitive in the extreme. Of all the different things you can say about a person, you'd expect there to be at least some correspondence with one of them. There's a whole long list of criteria, most of them completely illegal - pick candidates who are male, female, black, white, young, old, married, single, thin, fat, tall, short, blond haired, brown haired, etc. None of these have ever been shown to have any correlation with job performance, although I'd like to note that in an all-male work environment hiring an attractive female is probably good for morale.

If I ever have to hire someone from a few candidates, the first thing I'm going to do is call up their schools and employers listed to find out if they lied about degrees or dates of employment. Even though work history doesn't correlate with job performance, being a lying sack of shit almost certainly does. A surprising number of people lie on resumes, mostly because nobody ever checks them. One thing I most definitely will not do is ask former employers what they thought of the person. I've seen those calls get answered, and the quality of responses is dubious, to say the least.

Next I'm going to pick the person, if any, who I've already heard of, since they're likely to have done something worthwile. By 'heard of' I mean in a professional context. Being someone's cousin or loose acquantance doesn't count.

If I'm stuck in the end with several candidates none of whom I've heard of I'm going to pick based on the only criterion I've come up with which seems likely to have some correlation with job performance. I'm going to pick the one with the shortest commute time. Employees who can get to work quickly are going to have less incentive to switch to another job.

Bohemia Redux

For a while now I've been attempting to find an interesting two-player game of no chance which is based on the very special square board topology of viewing sets of four spots which form the vertices of an orthogonal square as being somehow connected. I think I've figured out how to do that now.

Players alternate placing pieces of their color in unoccupied squares. Every time a player places pieces of their color in all four corners of an orthogonal square they get a point. In the end, the player with the most points wins. The game can be made fair with a swap rule, and draws can be eliminated by giving either the first or second player to move the win in case of tie score.

This is essentially a territorial game at core, sort of similar to go in that you have to evaluate which parts of the board are most in dispute. The topology of the board is quite mind-bending, even calculating the score is a chore without a computer. But that mind-bendingness might be quite interesting.

27 May 2004 (updated 27 May 2004 at 01:55 UTC) »

I accidentally hit 'post' instead of 'preview'. Move along, nothing to see here.

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