Older blog entries for Adrian (starting at number 27)

A coworker brought in a five pound block of silly putty

If you have ever been curious what five pounds of silly putty looks like: pic1, pic2

I'm not if it was the cold I currently have, or the silly putty that caused today to be mostly unproductive.

Slowly getting used to playing the Chapman Stick. It's both easier and harder to play than I expected. Of course, being pretty much tone deaf doesnt help any.

Speaking of being tone deaf, hacked around a bit on GNU Solfege. Mainly just to add support for Chapman Stick in addition to the already existing piano/guitar/base/accordian support. Need to submit the patch here shortly.

Found a picture of Patrick Stewart playing a modified Chapman Stick in Dune. Thats too many geek themes in one picture for my poor little mind to handle.

RHN is keeping me busy. Nice to see people actually using it. I've actually used up2date to update a 6.2 box to a 7.1 box just for kicks, and a couple 7.0->7.1 upgrades. Kind of nifty. Not really "supported" at the moment, but interesting none the less.

Made the mistake of blindly buying a new "Sound Blaster 16" sound card without reading the box with a cynical view. I wanted a card with some degree of hardware midi support, even if it did suck. Turns out the new "Sound Blaster 16" is just yet another relabled ess1371 card. Great. I'll add it to the pile. Borrowed a SB awe32 for the time being.

Do not ever wander into music stores not expecting to find anything interesting. I made the mistake of doing that last weekend, and seeing something interesting.

A Chapman Stick.

I really never had any urge to buy one before. But then, I had never seen one in a store before.

So I thought about it for a week.

I bought a Chapman Stick

It's cool. Everyone should have one. Follow the link if you do not know what a Chapman Stick is.

Or take a look at the pictures of mine.

Of course, I can't play the thing quite yet. Sill kind of in the stages of figuring out how I want to tune it. It's a very old (July 76') 10 string. This should be interesting.

The fact is..
no matter how closely I study it,
no matter how I take it apart,
no matter how I break it down,
It remains consistant.
I wish you were here to see it.

I like it.

--Indiscipline, King Crimson

In the software world, just more of the same old rpm/python/up2date hacking.

16 Mar 2001 (updated 16 Mar 2001 at 18:09 UTC) »

re: changelogs and cvs2cl/rcs2log

Autogenerated Changelogs are probabaly more than adequate for projects with one or two developers, but for larger projects (say, the Gimp), the extra context that a hand written changelog provides can be very useful.

Namely because hand written changelogs tend to document what the author intended to do, where cvs logs document what you actually changed. Especially useful in the "did adrian forget to commit all the new files again?" scenario.

Rather or not that is worth the effort is another question.

Been a while. Oh well.

Anyway, looks like a lot of people have expressed interest in how we do xml-rpc over (under?) ssl, and a lot of speculation. Of course, the answers are in the source code ;->

Basically, there is a https class hacked into the python package based on the M2Crypto openssl bindings (in the openssl-python package). Then some mods to python-xmlprc to allow the use of https and to do CA checking. This is what the client apps use to do ssl

Server side is apache and mod_ssl/openssl.

Seems to work well.

As far as the question of "who needs more than 4gig of ram", the answer is apparently "lots of people".

It was a pretty common request while I was working in tech support. As often as not, it was people looking for >4gig support per process, and at least with 2.2, x86, and linux, that wasnt really an option. But it wasnt uncommon for someone to want/need to be able to malloc a half a dozen gigs of ram. And not just malloc it, but use it as well.

But very often, people just needed more memory available because of huge numbers of proccess running. Web servers running on big hardware with long lasting cgi/asp/*let proccesses were a common theme. Ie, a few thousand perl processes taking a couple of megs each on a single machine. Yes, people really do that.

Or perhaps, you just need to serve up several thousand hits a second with a single machine. TUX and 32gigs of ram to the rescue... Okay, so I dont know anyone actually doing that in production. But one thing I learned in tech support, is if there is a limit on something in linux, someone will run into it.

Discovery of the day: Andy Goldsworthy

Just picked up a copy of A Collaboration with Nature today. An incredibly impressive collection of photos. Very nice.

All his artwork is made from natural materials, in natural settings, and usually extremely temporarily. The books are collections of photographs of the pieces. Very very cool.

I had seen a couple pics of some of his work in a few of the earthworks books I have, but didnt realize everything he does is that good. I am impressed.

The tiny little pictures on the Smithsonian site do not do the images justice, but it's about the best url I could find. Anyone have a better link, preferably with high res pictures and maybe the inscriptions/explanations? justice.

Didn't do anything related to free/open software today. Though I do find it humourous that one of the other companies in the same field as my employer seem to be making the same mistakes we did.

Now, off to the LUG at NCSU meeting.

Updated my Linux System Tuning page a bit. Added some info about increasing thread limits, shm segments and sizes, and some info about benchmarks and system monitoring utils. That page is almost starting to become useful.

Just to reiterate a few points other folks have made.

Go buy King Crimson cds. Go to The DGM Diaries. An interesting perspective on the whole "stealing somebody elses music is or is not part of my human rights" debate.

However, I dont think pointing to King Crimson's "Club" releases as a model of an alternative business model for musicians is particularly realistic. King Crimson have an extremely loyal "cult" following. Not everybody can have half a dozen top notch world class virtuosos and 30 years of recording and touring before they expect to be able to survive.

Todays cd recomendation: "Audio" by Blue Man Group. Nice cd. Lots of invented instruments, included some detail on what the instruments look like and how they are constructed. See About the music for some online info about the cd.

The Scott McCloud books are extremely good. Just recently purchases and read "Understanding Comics" again. The first time I read it I just happened to pick up a friends copy, and continued to skip two classes to finish it in one sitting on first read. Good book. "Reinventing Comics" seems to be equally as good. And this from someone who does not read comics or anime.

Oh my. Worlds colliding. What fun.

Been using xml-rpc alot in some projects recently, so I've been trying to make a habit of checking out Scripting.com on occasion. I check today, and what do I see but a article about advogato.

It was only a matter of time before the advogato's, the webloggers, and the wiki bunch met head on.

I suspect very interesting things to come out of this. Neat.

Oh well, nothing interesting to say. Some projects at work are finally starting to come together, and should be quite cool when ready.

So raph, when do we get the xml-rpc interface to advogato? Time for me to check out mod_virgule again I suppose.

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