Recent blog entries for Adrian

    Now thats an interesting idea...

    First thought would be to add the version of the software into the hash as well. I keep meaning to write a catchall uncaught exception handler that displays the package then reraise the traceback (so I don't have to ask people what version when I get a random traceback).

    Being able to do that, and also stamp the traceback with an id could be very handy. Especially with some bug-buddy/bugzilla/etc tweaking.

    Of course, double fun would be way to go from the id to at least a rudimentary stack trace, but that would probabaly cause a large id.

    But I suspect you could do something like enumerating all the methods, then just using that as the id, so you could get something like 1.0.0-1:1-23-37-111 indicating a stack of method 1, method 23, etc...

    Keep around a list of the enumerated methods, and you could get a relatively useful idea where the error is. The method name-> number list could be autogenerated fairly easy I suspect.

    Not sure how to handle anonymous methods and lambda's and friends though... Could probabaly just enumerate all the lambdas as well. Not perfect, but close enough.

Haven't posted here in a long time. Don't do much Open Source development outside of work anymore. Plenty of ideas for things, just lack of time.

Been spending alot of my limited free time recently drawing lots of doodles. Stare into them, and the secrets of life will be revealed. If you look close, you can see a sailboat.

Red Hat Network stuff goes well. Though living in two worlds (distro release schedule, and the web/server side schedule) makes my brain hurt sometimes. Or it could just be staring at RPM too much.

One day I'll get around to actually adding content to Goal is a home for recordings of my random experiments in making as much noise as possible.

23 Mar 2002 (updated 23 Mar 2002 at 04:16 UTC) »

xml-rpc interface: Very Nice.

mwh: ooh, proxy support for xmlrpclib! Finally! Getting up2date to work properly with all the various proxies out there was quite an adventure, good to see it baked into 2.2.

Editing in place seems to work to some degree. Handy.

Doh. Spoke too soon, looks like ServerProxy isnt support for web proxies. How silly of me to think so. Guess I have to wait till Greg Stein's proxy and ssl mixins for httplib make it in.

Scrap Iron Chef

Let the tivo'ing commence.

You know what I love about weblogs? People can say whatever random things they like and pretend that they are correct. And maybe even that people listen. You can even just make stuff up.

In some ways, it's a lot like writing for Wired.

More new stuff on the system tuning page. apache mod_proxy useage, some tcp tuning stuff, listenBacklog. But more importantly, I've started trying to merge the info there to

Slowly getting back into the mood for coding again. Coming off some deadlines, and then last week, kind of threw me for a loop.

In the meantime, been updating my system tuning page again. Added some info about NFS tuning, disk io elevators, pty/ttys, and misc network settings.

Ever get in the mood for a pointless long diary update? I do.


    fwiw, the sendmail change is documented in the RELEASE-NOTES as:

      Sendmail -- By default, sendmail does not accept network connections from any host other than the local computer. If you want to configure sendmail as a server for other clients, please edit /etc/mail/ and change DAEMON_OPTIONS to also listen on network devices, or comment out this option all together. You will need to regenerate /etc/ by running:

        m4 /etc/mail/ > /etc/
      Note that you must have the sendmail-cf package installed for this to work.


    about the same I suppose. About to rename a handful of machines in our qa and devel enviroments. Should be interesting to see what all that breaks.


    A couple of good friends of mine are all playing in bands now, so I went to see them play again sunday night. They somehow managed to have a barbeque and live music in a public parking deck without anyone complaining. Weird. The fact they are in an excellent band doesnt hurt any either. Slowly working on a website for them at So far using it as an excuse to try doing web content in python ;-> Should probabaly start using Webware at some point.

    It is way too hot outside

    Recent cd purchases:
      Nancy Griffith: Clock Without Hands
      Buckethead: Some where over the slaughterhouse
      Ministry: The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste
      Tony Levin: Waters of Eden

    All excellent

I warned you it was pointless.

Looks like some coworkers ( taw, misa), have joined advogato. Of course cturner, DV, and jbj were already here.

Work proceeds as normal. Lots of deadlines. Lots of python coding. More and more SQL. More and more pygtk/glade.

Progress continues on up2date. Spent most of last week fixing a few dozen bugs in it, mostly minor thankfully.

Btw, if your writing python code and not using pychecker. Run now and install it and run it on your code. Very handy. I've taken to adding pychecker targets to our makefiles that build python code.

Looks like the eternal package format wars continue. Software packageing is hard, lets go shopping.

Went and saw Lake Trout a few days ago. Highly recomended. Odd crowd though. Apparently they were sort of a jazzy hippy jam band at one point, but then got sort of electronic, and then lots heavier. Seeing a crowd of about half "hippies" doing that spinny dance thing to the encore of "War Pigs" was interesting, to say the least. Great show, made even better by the fact that my friends' band "Japan Air" opened up and played well.

Also saw the movie "The Score". Not bad. A little predictable, but okay. The "hacker" in the movie included a stuffed penguin on his desk, and at some point was shown typing away at a bash prompt after logging into a "linux 2.0.30" box. 2.0.30? Did they find a copy of 4.2 in a timecapsule or something?

A coworker brought in a five pound block of silly putty

If you have ever been curious what five pounds of silly putty looks like: pic1, pic2

I'm not if it was the cold I currently have, or the silly putty that caused today to be mostly unproductive.

Slowly getting used to playing the Chapman Stick. It's both easier and harder to play than I expected. Of course, being pretty much tone deaf doesnt help any.

Speaking of being tone deaf, hacked around a bit on GNU Solfege. Mainly just to add support for Chapman Stick in addition to the already existing piano/guitar/base/accordian support. Need to submit the patch here shortly.

Found a picture of Patrick Stewart playing a modified Chapman Stick in Dune. Thats too many geek themes in one picture for my poor little mind to handle.

RHN is keeping me busy. Nice to see people actually using it. I've actually used up2date to update a 6.2 box to a 7.1 box just for kicks, and a couple 7.0->7.1 upgrades. Kind of nifty. Not really "supported" at the moment, but interesting none the less.

Made the mistake of blindly buying a new "Sound Blaster 16" sound card without reading the box with a cynical view. I wanted a card with some degree of hardware midi support, even if it did suck. Turns out the new "Sound Blaster 16" is just yet another relabled ess1371 card. Great. I'll add it to the pile. Borrowed a SB awe32 for the time being.

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