29 Nov 2001 8bit   » (Journeyer)

*opens eyes* Can I die yet? No? *closes eyes*

Ugh, so much crap to do! No room for what's really important to ME, I'm always doing what I'm supposed to do and things important to others. I just want to program, work on my webpage, eat, consume caffeine and sleep all day, and when that gets boring, read for a week straight (which I've done, much fun but unfortunatly it was the Wheel of Time series and it messed up my speech for a while, burn them *cough* I mean...)

But no. I have to write an essay for a scholarship, study for the SAT, and some unknown ammount of homework by this saturday. THEN I have to apply to colleges, look for more scolarships, write essays for those, etc. etc. What I could really use is an electronic calendar...I could make one...a cgi script of course, for access 'anywhere'...in python, yes. Of course by the time I have enough hours to burn on it I won't need it.

And of course all this leaves me with no time to work on Sascat (aformentioned backup program, Splice and Slice CATaloger.) I hope adulthood won't look like this, else I'd have to live out a dream of mine...become a hobo and walk the railroads.

(: Of course I brought this on myself by not doing a majority of the work during turkey-day break or even before then. Bwahahahaha....that doesn't make the situation any less suckier though. I think this will be the last stop of procrastination before I get back to the grindstone.
did I mention I have a cold? It makes it impossible for me to concentrate on a thing, and I STILL haven't started to get to work after half an hour of looking at other people's advogato pages. And would DjDanny PLEASE GET A LIFE. 12 year olds taking a 'shaite' before 'work' and thinking people really give a 'shaite' about their bowel movements should not be using the internet, much less pretend to know anything about computers. I'm supprised it's not written in 1337 5p34|< (sorry I don't know what a 'p' is.)

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